29 September 2008
house rejects H.R. 3997 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
UPDATE: H.R. 1424 Senate version of Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 .pdf


the house just voted 205 yea - 228 nay (one republican, jerry weller of illinois is listed as not voting) to reject the so called wall street bailout!
louisiana delegation:
south louisiana democrat, charlie melancon voted for the wall street bailout
north louisiana republican and reputed homosexual jim mccrery voted for the wall street bailout.
rodney alexander voted nay
wm. jefferson voted nay
charles boustany voted nay
don cazayoux voted nay
republicans say that a speech by house speaker nancy pelosi [video] was the reason the bill was defeated
creepy john boehner gets weepy again - video
final ten minutes of the house vote - video
george w. bush reaction - video
john mcmadman mccain statement - video
tuesday 30 september 2008
john mcmadman mccain scaremongering - video
another statement from george w. bush - video
GovTrack.us. H.R. 3997--110th Congress (2007): Defenders of Freedom Tax Relief Act of 2007, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Sep 30, 2008)
28 September 2008
H.R. 3997 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.pdf
UPDATE: H.R. 1424 Senate version of Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 .pdf
Note: According to the House Majority Leader, H.R.3997 will be used as the vehicle for the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. See documents on the House Financial Services Committee website.
click picture to enlarge

click here to download one page .pdf
see also
brother nathanael kapner
real jew news
should us bail out zionist jewish bankers?
and also
christopher bollyn
the fleecing of america: $700 billion for zionist criminals
GovTrack.us. H.R. 3997--110th Congress (2007): Defenders of Freedom Tax Relief Act of 2007, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Sep 30, 2008)
27 September 2008
jimmy chevalier 1949 - 2008
sometimes keeping a blog is great. for instance, occasionally we can get a pretty good idea of what kind of stories kalb and the town talk are working on because of the way they arrive here usually via google.
then, there are other times, like late thursday night when we noticed a couple of local googlers searching "jimmy chevalier died."
we only met mr. chevalier once, some years back. he helped us out with something when he didnt have to and we always remembered him and was appreciative of him for that. mr. chevalier would have been our choice for alexandria city marshall. although, it wasnt until just a few days ago, when we viewed the cenla light's 2008 election guide that we realized that the city marshall candidate was the same jimmy chevalier
if mr. chevalier was your family member or friend we are very sorry for your loss.
Died: September 25, 2008
Services:2:00 p.m., Monday, September 29, 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church, Alexandria, Louisiana.
Visitation:5:00 until 9:00 p.m., Sunday, September 28, 2008, at Hixson Brothers, Alexandria and Monday from 10:00 a.m. until service time at the Church.
Services for James W. "Jimmy" Chevalier will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, September 29, 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church, Alexandria, Louisiana with Reverend John Wamsley officiating. Burial will be at Alexandria Memorial Gardens, Alexandria, LA.
Mr. Chevalier, 59, of Woodworth, Louisiana, died Thursday, September 25, 2008, in Rapides Regional Medical Center.
He was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Alexandria. Mr. Chevalier was a Major in the Rapides Parish Sheriff Office. He was a recipient of Alexandria Exchange Club Law Enforcement Scholarship, recipient of over 60 letters of commendation from the Alexandria Police Department, public organizations, and private citizens.
He was a guest instructor at LSU Law Enforcement Institute and Louisiana State Police. Mr. Chevalier was a graduate of FBI Mid-Management Seminar in Quantico, Virginia where he met his wife, and FBI Peace Officer's Standards and Training Instructor Certification. He was the State of Louisiana representative for NASDLET Victim-Witness program and a graduate of Child Abuse Prevention Program, Glynco, Georgia.
He was a recipient of Alexandria Jaycees Central LA Outstanding Young Law Enforcement Officer. Mr. Chevalier was past president of LA Law Enforcement Academy Director's Association, past president of Alexandria Exchange Club, State Director of LA Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics and on the Board of Directors for the Special Olympics of Louisiana.
He was preceded in death by his father, James Dalton Chevalier.
Those left to cherish his memory include his wife of 23 years, Elizabeth C. Chevalier of Woodworth; mother, Vertis Mallette Chevalier of Alexandria; sons, James Weston Chevalier of Alexandria, David Caldwell Chevalier and Daniel Dalton Chevalier of Woodworth; daughters, Charlee Beth Shreve and husband Ashley of Boyce, Airman 1st Class Sarah Nicole Chevalier of Barksdale Air Force Base, Bossier City; brothers, Bobby Chevalier of Oceans Springs, Mississippi and Tommy Chevalier of N. Augusta, South Carolina; sister, Becky Tynes Jewell of Boyce; four grandchildren, Dalton Chevalier, Aubrie Chevalier, Kylee Shreve and Ashton Shreve; and host of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be James Weston Chevalier, Steven Weeks, Michael Bearb, Adrian Lamkin, Sherman King, Jay Slayter, Darrell Guillory and William McInnis. Honorary pallbearers will be Alexandria Police Department and Rapides Parish Sheriff's Department.
Visitation will be Sunday, September 28, 2008, at Hixson Brothers, Alexandria, from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Monday at Calvary Baptist Church from 10:00 a.m. until service time.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Special Olympics, Louisiana (LETR), 805 Murray Street, Alexandria, Louisiana 71301
kalb announcing death of jimmy chevalier - 6:00 pm news cast friday 26 september 2008
jimmy chevalier alexandria city marshall candidate interview - kalb 11 july 2008
26 September 2008
'rocket man' yves rossy completes english channel crossing
bbc excerpt:
A Swiss man has become the first person to fly solo across the English Channel using a single jet-propelled wing.EXTERNAL LINK
Yves Rossy landed safely after the 22-mile (35.4 km) flight from Calais to Dover, which had been twice postponed this week because of bad weather.
The former military pilot took less than 10 minutes to complete the crossing and parachute to the ground.
The 49-year-old flew on a plane to more than 8,200ft (2,500m), ignited jets on a wing on his back, and jumped out. ~ read more
john labruzzo: more evidence that the republican party really is the stupid party
times-picayune excerpt:Worried that welfare costs are rising as the number of taxpayers declines, state Rep. John LaBruzzo, R-Metairie, said Tuesday he is studying a plan to pay poor women $1,000 to have their Fallopian tubes tied.
"We're on a train headed to the future and there's a bridge out," LaBruzzo said of what he suspects are dangerous demographic trends. "And nobody wants to talk about it."
LaBruzzo said he worries that people receiving government aid such as food stamps and publicly subsidized housing are reproducing at a faster rate than more affluent, better-educated people who presumably pay more tax revenue to the government. He said he is gathering statistics now. ~ read more

the question that no one ever asks is where in the republican party platform is a policy like this even addressed?
for example, the louisiana republican party's 2008 platform at article iv: sanctity of life
#6 "we support all developments in biomedical research and technology that enhance and protect human life. but we oppose any new development that does not treat all human life as a precious gift of god, or that does not treat every individual human life as a locus of unique and irreplaceable dignity no matter how weak, immature, or dependent." click here to download the 2008 louisiana republican party platform. [eight page .pdf]the 2008 national republican party platform calls for the repeal of the sixteenth amendment, which established the federal income tax. [.pdf page 31] why isnt representative labruzzo and the rest of the republicans as well as everyone else talking about that? think of how much more money everyone would have on hand and could even save some, if there was no federal income tax. caveat: the republicans want to repeal the sixteenth amendment and replace it with an equally egregious national sales tax or even worse value added tax.
another question that no one ever asks is where is the republican party leadership at and why do they never speak out against all these fake republican crackpots, fraudsters and rino's who are authoring/cosponsoring and voting for anti-republican legislation?
is it because of reagan's so called "eleventh commandment?" well guess what, ronnie raygun was not god and just because he said something does not make it so or even necessarily a good idea. in fact, this "thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow republican" garbage actually hampers the republican party.
what a minute you say, what about the greater new orleans republicans who came out and criticized representative labruzzo? well a closer look at gnor's statements shows a pattern by them that is very mysterious, suspicious as well as deceptive.
in a statement dated 5:10 p.m. 24 september 2008 and posted to the dead pelican website representatives of the gnor wrote [excerpts] "this is one of the dumbest ideas i have ever heard of." "...against the republican party plank..." ah, theres mention of the seldom if ever mentioned republican party plank. click here to view the screen grab.
then, apparently what happened was that an even bigger criminal in the republican party read that statement, didnt like it and ordered the "young professionals" at gnor to change it -- because:
a new, much shorter statement dated 9:49 p.m. was suddenly posted without explanation to the dead pelican. in the new statement gone was any mention of a republican party plank. because, we suspect, they cant afford to have people thinking that there is actually a written guide that they are supposed to be relying on now can they?
replacing the plank wording was the much more ambiguous "...representative labruzzo's advocacy for sterilizing women is contrary to the gop..." someone also removed the names of the gnor president j.t. hannan and board president mike bayham as well as their individual comments. click here to view the screen grab.
on thursday 25 september 208 representative labruzzo was interviewed on cnn. we missed that interview. however, cnn replayed excerpts of the interview as well as their viewer reaction to it today, which we were fortunate enough to catch. that video is below:
earlier this year, representative labruzzo was practically laughed out of a senate committee hearing on his hb887.
representativ labruzzo also voted against hb715 a bill designed to stop louisiana's compliance with the federal governments satanic real id act.
representative labruzzo voted "yea" to sb672 the massive legislative pay raise fraud bill -- then later recanted his vote.
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zionist message to gov sarah palin might backfire
this is an interesting clip that rachel maddow played on her msnbc show last night [thursday 26 september 2008] concerning alaska governor and 2008 republican vice-presidential candidate sarah palin and a religious service she attended at a church in alaska in october 2005.
its easy to see what the so called african witch-hunter preacher thomas muthee [here is his zionist approved wikipedia entry]. was on about. although, his use of the term "israelite" is incorrect. the term that pastor muthee should have used was khazar or ashkenazi seeing that it is they who are "running the economics of our nations," via their central banks and so forth and who are descendants of the khazar savages who, due to political expediency, converted to and have been masquerading as and impersonating the biblical israelites since the 700s a.d. these khazar's who are originally from khazaria, (located in modern day russia) are in no way related to the biblical israelites. these imposters have however, taken over the true name of the jews.
anyway, you wont see the msm playing this clip over and over ad nauseum like the rev. jeremiah wright clip because it might make people stop and think. what christian or normal thinking person could disagree with the substance of what pastor muthee is saying?
its likely that this clip was played to send a message to gov. palin and the mccain campaign that they had better get (palin} fully in agreement with the policies of the zionists and especially those of zionist israel.
this would appear to be unnecessary in light of gov. palin's recent statements such as 'israel is the 'good guy'' or her statement to israeli president, shimon peres "the only flag at my office is an israeli flag." no alaskan flag? or united states flag in the governor's office? how pathetic is that.
governor palin's rabid zionism has already caused brother nathanael kapner, himself a jew who converted to orthodox christainity, to observe on his real jew news blog that "governor sarah palin is quickly, lamentably, emerging as a resolute and dangerous zionist shill (or dupe) — if not an outright rabid war monger pushing for ww iii." ~ read more.
perhaps, what the zionists really want, is for gov. palin to repudiate pastor muthee in order to show that once again any mention of or connection to "bankers" and "israelites" which will bring to mind "jews" in most peoples minds, will be met with fierce condemnation.
learn more about the ashkenazi / khazar "jewish" imposters
the thirteenth tribe by arthur koestler
benjamin h. freedman nee freidman:
the truth about khazars
u.s. presidents - jewish pawns
1974 speech
and also:
rabbi chaim lefkowitz
and also
jack bernstein
my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
25 September 2008
video: senator richard shelby says no deal on zionist wall street bail out scheme (yet)
i can tell you, i dont believe we have an agreement, i have voiced my concerns all along...i have a five page, five pages of the leading economists in america, that wrote to me and the leadership saying -- 'the paulson plan is a bad plan, it will not solve problems, it will create more problems;
we're rushing to judgment, that we do have stress in our financial markets -- but this is not the best way, we ought to look at alternatives.'
this is not me, this is economists at harvard, yale, mit, university of chicago, our leading university's, five pages, it ought to tell you something. i brought it up in here [the white house meeting] i'am probably not welcome again."
To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate:
As economists, we want to express to Congress our great concern for the plan proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson to deal with the financial crisis. We are well aware of the difficulty of the current financial situation and we agree with the need for bold action to ensure that the financial system continues to function. We see three fatal pitfalls in the currently proposed plan:
1) Its fairness. The plan is a subsidy to investors at taxpayers’ expense. Investors who took risks to earn profits must also bear the losses. Not every business failure carries systemic risk. The government can ensure a well-functioning financial industry, able to make new loans to creditworthy borrowers, without bailing out particular investors and institutions whose choices proved unwise.
2) Its ambiguity. Neither the mission of the new agency nor its oversight are clear. If taxpayers are to buy illiquid and opaque assets from troubled sellers, the terms, occasions, and methods of such purchases must be crystal clear ahead of time and carefully monitored afterwards.
3) Its long-term effects. If the plan is enacted, its effects will be with us for a generation. For all their recent troubles, America's dynamic and innovative private capital markets have brought the nation unparalleled prosperity. Fundamentally weakening those markets in order to calm short-run disruptions is desperately short-sighted.
For these reasons we ask Congress not to rush, to hold appropriate hearings, and to carefully consider the right course of action, and to wisely determine the future of the financial industry and the U.S. economy for years to come.
Signed (updated at 9/25/2008 8:30AM CT)
- the list of signatories is very long - 192 so far and include from here in louisiana james r. bartkus of xavier university. click here to view the entire list or here to download the five page .pdf.
see also
shelby proposes alternative
and also
christopher bollyn
9-11 and the crisis on wall street
the fleecing of america:
$700 billion for zionist criminals
where's the outrage?
wall street zionist bail out plan not playing out west
cnn's john king speaks with a boulder, montana cattle farmer, who according to mr. king says that when he listens to the president talk he doesnt believe him and who makes a very wise observation. he said "i was born during the days of fdr, fdr said that we have nothing to fear but fear -- well this is exactly the opposite, they are preying on our fears -- 'if we dont bail them out, the rest of you are going to go down the tubes and we'll have another depression' and i dont like the idea of this fear tactics. who knows what its going to do to us? we dont know. they may understand that and thats where fear comes in."
brother nathanael kapner
real jew news
should us bail out zionist jewish bankers?
the 'plunder' to enrich zionist jewish bankers
and also
christopher bollyn
9-11 and the crisis on wall street
the fleecing of america:
$700 billion for zionist criminals
where's the outrage?
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tropical storm kyle
000WTNT31 KNHC 252031
500 PM AST THU SEP 25 2008
24 September 2008
dont be tricked by kosher nazis
via curt maynard's newest blog
Bill White seeks to create a situation that the Congress, court system, and Zio-American entity need in order to force through legislation designed to do one thing, shut down dissent. ZOG needs to do something and quickly, the economy is reeling and International Jewry expects a backlash, thus they need to figure out a way to introduce and pass legislation that will shut up bloggers like me.
Enter Bill White, he publishes the above magazine, with its provocative cover, and writes an article that accompanies it in which he says, "White people must deny him the presidency, as a radical he admires might say, "by any means necessary," which was meant to be inflammatory.
Why does Bill White do this? I'll tell you why, just today, less than a week after writing the above statement, Bill White tells us that some dumb bastard was arrested outside of Barack Obama's house, with a gun, bulletproof vest, and guess what else he had in his possession? You got it, ANSWP [American National Socialist Workers Party] literature.
The ANSWP is in reality a non-existent American Nazi party with approximately 6 members from coast to coast, most of whom are as Jewish as Bill White, with the mission of making Whites look as racist as possible and giving ZOG the excuses it needs to force through hate speech legislation, which it wants to do even more badly than it wants to grab your guns, which by the way is a close second. ~ read more
eric hufschmid has written about them too: "As I explained in other articles, such as Ashkenazi-Nazis.html, the white supremacist groups are run by Zionist Jews. Don Black is either a Zionist Jew pretending to be a Nazi, or he's one of their useful idiots.
So, this phony Nazi donates $500 to the Ron Paul campaign, and then other Zionists "expose" this donation to imply that Ron Paul is a white supremacist. For example:
Bill White, who runs overthrow.com, is another phony white supremacist. He didn't bother to give money to Ron Paul; instead, he announced that Ron Paul is a supporter of white supremacists. Zionist agents are now promoting his remark as proof that Ron Paul is indeed a white supremacist" ~ see ron paul and the nazis
'rocket man'
via judicial inc
yves rossy from switzerland, the first man on earth to fly with wings under his own rocket power.
according to his official website, mr. rossy will attempt to fly across the 23-mile english channel on thursday 25 september or depending on bad weather friday 26 september 2008.
the flight will be streamed live at www.natgeotv.com/jetman
katrina mary landrieu snellings in top 10 of senators who receive pro-israel pac funds
katrina mary's career total of zionist payola that she has received: $155,179
this should help explain why katrina mary always votes the way she does.
according to the same report, (see link) other louisiana legislators who are on the israeli/zionist payroll are:
senator david vitter: career total: $38,000
congressman charlie melancon career total: $29,100
congressman rodney alexander career total: $11,000
23 September 2008
many louisiana cattle still stranded by hurricane ike
many cattle left stranded by hurricane ike south of the gulf intracoastal waterway in calcasieu and cameron parishes, louisiana are in danger of starving.
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22 September 2008
america reduced to third world status
Federal Reserve leads bloodless economic assault, effectively
suspending constitution. Average Americans become
slave to trillions of dollars of Wall Street Debt
By Joan Veon
The Women's International Group, Inc.
World history is spotted with stories of political conquests: Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, the Pharaohs, Alexander the Great, and Roman Caesars, each who seized physical control of a country, its economy and assets. History holds no story of a take over based solely on a country's assets, until now. The modern day Attila's, Genghis Khan's, Pharaoh's, and Caesar's are the men who own and control the Central Banks of the world. America's Central Bank is the Federal Reserve, which controls our monetary system, is not part of our governmental system, and, although its name would imply, it has no reserves.
The 13th month of America's credit crisis may hold its own in history as a country whose economic power and bulk of wealth overnight become the assets of the Federal Reserve. This may well be the finest coup d'état.
For more than a week the news media has been a buzz, clamoring for the need to change our regulatory system. The passage, by Congress, of "The Treasury Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory System," will hand over to the Federal Reserve the last vestiges of our financial sovereignty: savings and loans; state chartered banks; thrifts and credit unions; the entire mortgage and insurance systems, as well as oversight of the Payment and Settlement System of Wall Street. In addition, the Feds would gain oversee rights to all of America's financial markets. (To read "The Treasury Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure", go to http://www.ustreas.gov) or download the 212 page .pdf here. [1.91 MB]
Most Americans can't fathom what is really happening. How could something like this happen in America? How did people who lived through the 1929 Crash and Great Depression manage when everything they knew changed overnight? The answer is: they were not in debt the way Americans are today. Multi-generations lived together, all working to pay off the mortgage. Additionally, a great many families lived on farms where they could raise their own food. Today, we are dependent on large banks for our mortgage and debt and big grocery stores for our food rather than our own farm.
I believe there will be major changes in the mortgage market here in America. It will be globalized and changed to the same kind of feudalistic structure that the Europeans and Commonwealth countries have. According to my research, America's move to feudalism is in the process of being finalized. The backbone of the middle class is home ownership which also includes the property under the building. I believe that the new system will change America's entire mortgage structure to leasehold, a system used all over Europe whereby individuals will pay a monthly rent to the owner of the property that their house sits on. There will be a total restructuring of property rights in America to fit our new third world status. All of the rights of property ownership will be changed forever-gone with the wind. If you don't have a mortgage, you do not need to worry.
The need to pass massive legislation by Monday morning or by Friday afternoon the latest, is indicative of the high stakes of what will change and the assets that are about to transfer from the American taxpayer to the Federal Reserve. Congress is being blackmailed. The Treasury Blueprint lays this all out. ~ read more
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ron paul endorses chuck baldwin for president
"I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election. I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate." ~ read more
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H. RES. 1460 in the matter of representative charles b. rangel
a couple of days ago it was reported that la-06 congressman don cazayoux had voted to give his fellow congressman charles b. rangel an "ethics pass" by his yea vote to table h. res 1460.
according to house roll call vote #609 of thursday, 18 september 2008, congressman cazayoux was joined in voting yea to table the resolution by his fellow louisiana congressmen william jefferson and charlie melancon.
other interesting yea votes to table h. res. 1460 from the republican side of the aisle were those cast by ron paul, wayne gilchrest, walter jones, james ramstad and dana rohrabacher.
h.res. 1460 was filed on thursday. the text was unavailable online that day and friday because, according to the library of congress, (thomas.loc.gov) it hadnt been sent to them from the government printing office. so it was saturday before we could read the actual text. in the meantime, the only information that they had was the name of the sponsor, :that creepy, sack of ohio rethuglican dung, john boehner.
congressman boehner you might recall is a suspected alcoholic (and serial tanning bed abuser) who on more than one occasion has made incoherent speeches from the house floor in which he famously weeps over the iraq war see boehner weeps & boehner weeps again, a war which he enthusiastically supports. so as far as we're concerned, congressman boehner is just as big a criminal as he would have us believe that congressman rangel is.
just yesterday (sunday 21 september 2008) congressman boehner said on abc's "this week" program that 'treasury's bailout package should help only wall street, not main street.'
anyway, back to congressman cazayuox. how could congressman cazayoux in good conscience and coming from the most corrupt state in the nation, vote to table this resolution? furthermore, what is especially egregious about congressman cazayoux's vote to table h. res.1460 is that he claims that he was a prosecutor in pointe coupee parish -- although apparently not a very good one -- despite his campaign websites' insistence that he never lost a jury trial (notice that they dont tell you just how many jury trials that he actually had) -- hence his desperation to become a career politician.
we dont support "dr." bill cassidy for congress either. cassidy's support of lake charles democrat willie landry mount's sb312 the louisiana mandatory drinking water fluoridation bill, is all the evidence you need to understand that cassidy is a quack and is unfit to hold any office of public trust including his present office of louisiana state senator.
"dr." cassidy's dangerous quackiness, incompetence and corruption should be glaringly apparent especially in light of the actions taken by tennessee state representative joey hensley. representative hensley also a medical doctor and also a republican, spoke out against and stopped efforts to fluoridate tennesse's drinking water.
see also 50 reasons to oppose fluoridation by paul connett, phd. professor of chemistry, st. lawrence university, canton, new york. and the sb312 label in the footer of his post.
according to the louisiana secretary of state elections website, there is an independent running for congress from louisiana's sixth district - louisiana state representative michael jackson. this is who residents of the sixth congressional district should vote for.
September 18, 2008
Mr. BOEHNER submitted the following resolution; which was laid on the table
Whereas the gentleman from New York, Charles B. Rangel, serves as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, a position of considerable power and influence within the House of Representatives;
Whereas the Committee on Ways and Means has jurisdiction over the United States Tax Code;
Whereas The New York Times reported on September 5, 2008, that, `Representative Charles B. Rangel has earned more than $75,000 in rental income from a villa he has owned in the Dominican Republic since 1988, but never reported it on his Federal or State tax returns, according to a lawyer for the congressman and documents from the resort';
Whereas in an article in the September 5, 2008, edition of The New York Times, his attorney confirmed that Representative Rangel's annual congressional Financial Disclosure statements failed to disclose the rental income from his resort villa;
Whereas The New York Times reported on September 6, 2008, that, `Representative Charles B. Rangel paid no interest for more than a decade on a mortgage extended to him to buy a villa at a beachfront resort in the Dominican Republic, according to Mr. Rangel's lawyer and records from the resort. The loan, which was extended to Mr. Rangel in 1988, was originally to be paid back over seven years at a rate of 10.5 percent. But within two years, interest on the loan was waived for Mr. Rangel.';
Whereas clause 5(a)(2)(A) of Rule 25 of the Rules of the House defines a gift as, `* * * a gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, forbearance, or other item having monetary value' and prohibits the acceptance of such gifts except in limited circumstances;
Whereas Representative Rangel's acceptance of thousands of dollars in interest forgiveness is a violation of the House gift ban;
Whereas Representative Rangel's failure to disclose the aforementioned gifts and income on his Personal Financial Disclosure Statements violates House rules and Federal law;
Whereas Roll Call newspaper reported on September 15, 2008, that, `The inconsistent reports are among myriad errors, discrepancies and unexplained entries on Rangel's personal disclosure forms over the past eight years that make it almost impossible to get a clear picture of the Ways and Means chairman's financial dealings.';
Whereas Representative Rangel's failure to report the aforementioned gifts and income on Federal, State and local tax returns is a violation of the tax laws of those jurisdictions;
Whereas disclosure of these improper acts follows an announcement on July 31, 2008, by the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct that it is reviewing unrelated allegations that Representative Rangel has violated House gift rules, financial disclosure regulations and rules barring the use of official resources to solicit funds for private ventures;
Whereas an editorial in The New York Times on September 15, 2008, stated, `Mounting embarrassment for taxpayers and Congress makes it imperative that Representative Charles Rangel step aside as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee while his ethical problems are investigated.';
Whereas clause 1 of rule XXXIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives provides, `A Member, Delegate, Resident Commission, officer, or employee of the House shall conduct himself at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House'; and
Whereas on May 24, 2006, Speaker Nancy Pelosi cited `high ethical standards' in a letter to Representative William Jefferson asking that he resign his seat on the Committee on Ways and Means in light of ongoing investigations into alleged financial impropriety by Representative Jefferson: Now, therefore, be it
- Resolved, That--
- (1) pursuant to its authority under clause 3(a)(2) of House Rule XI, the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, within 10 days of adoption of this resolution, shall establish an Investigative Subcommittee in the matter of Representative Charles B. Rangel or report to the House the reasons for its failure to do so; and
- (2) upon adoption of this resolution and pending completion of the aforementioned investigation, Representative Rangel is hereby removed as chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means.
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* # 22 CARE Rejects US Food Aid
* # 23 FDA Complicit in Pushing Pharmaceutical Drugs
* # 24 Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror
* # 25 Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer
20 September 2008
some catholic bishops are angry with joe biden
if this 19 september 2008 piece 'joe biden loses barack obama the catholic vote (see link) by gerald warner in the london daily telegraph is to be believed, it seems that some catholic bishops are angry with senator and 2008 democratic party vice presidential candidate joe biden due to his "pro-abortion views."
some of the bishops mentioned in the story include:
most reverend charles j. chaput, archbishop of denver;
joseph f. martino the bishop of scranton,pennsylvania;
most reverend robert w. finn, bishop of kansas city - st. joseph;
and the united states conference of catholic bishopsthe bishop's say that communion [the holy eucharist] should be denied to senator biden and other pro-abortion politicians "until they have reformed their lives."
mr. warner writes:
On NBC's Meet the Press programme on September 7 Biden grossly misrepresented the Catholic Church's teaching on abortion and audaciously cited St Thomas Aquinas in his own cause. [meet the press transcript page - 4] [full transcript]but why should we take these bishop's and their proclamations seriously? when here in louisiana, we see our own style of a pretend catholic politician in piyush "bobby" jindal who goes to the catholic church on saturday night to pray to mary and other dead people called saints and to confess his sins to and ask forgiveness from them by his priest and then on sunday mornings rushes over to baptist and other protestant churches to proclaim "hey guys, i'am one of you too!"
That did it. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had already done the same thing on the same programme, in her instance citing St Augustine. Even the torpid US bishops could not have false doctrine glibly broadcast by public figures, misleading their flock. [emphasis added]
surely the bishop's know that you cant be a catholic and a protestant at the same time just like no person can serve two masters at once. as far as we've been able to tell we cant find not one instance of any catholic priest, bishop, cardinal or even the pope condemning or criticizing piyush "bobby" jindal's religious fraud.
even after on 10 july 2007 it was reported that pope benedict xvi issued a decree stating that the catholic church is the one true church and that other denominations are defective and are not true churches, this was at the height of the 2007 louisiana gubernatorial campaign and yet piyush to this day continues to visit protestant churches to proclaim his oneness with them. how can an authentic catholic visit churches that his pope has proclaimed to be defective and not a true church to say that he is one of them and how can any authentic church leader catholic or protestant allow this to continue without speaking out?
is the catholic church hierarchys' silence in the piyush religious fraud matter evidence that they secretly agree with his activities? is this part of [rhodes scholar] piyush "bobby" jindal's mission to help blur the lines of doctrinal distinction between catholic and protestant so that the protestant churches can someday soon be more easily reunited to and merged with the holy mother roman catholic church?
until the catholic church speaks out about the piyush religious fraud then we should consider that the catholic church is actually ran by criminals, liars and scam artists. we should wonder what the real reason is, that they are choosing to speak out against senator biden and other catholic politicians.
if the catholic church was actually ran by honest, respectable men who were interested in protecting and preserving catholic doctrine then they would in fact criticize senator biden's statements that he is a zionist which indicates that senator biden actually worships israel, zionist jews and the babylonian talmud.
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19 September 2008
retired sheriff jim r. schwiesow telling it like it is
Ike Nears Texas: ‘Now Is The Time For Prayers’
Only the godless media of a godless nation of godless people devoid of any knowledge of the changeless Eternal God could deliver such a conventionally self-serving statement, a statement typical of a nation having a form of godliness, but denying the power of the almighty, all knowing, and all-seeing God of the universe.
The Apostle Paul wrote of just such a time as exists in this nation today, a time when the people would be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, uncontrollable, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. In view of the fact that fifty million innocent babies have been murdered intentionally with premeditation and in the most heinous ways I would add murderers to that list, which of course only highlights Paul’s offering of “being without natural affection”.
There does not exist a more apt description than this of the nature of the United States today, it is a nation that consists, collectively, of a people led away from God by divers lusts, it is an ever-learning acculturation of those who are never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. It is in fact a nation of people who resist the truth, an irreverent fellowship of men of corrupt mind and reprobate faith. We are a people who turn to a righteous God only when it is selfishly expedient or when it suits our egotistical purposes to do so. Such disdain and disregard for the God who gives us breath and who’s very Spirit and power animates us and sustains the beating of our hearts will certainly have its consequences and we are seeing such in this country at an ever accelerating pace.
The United States has crossed a great divide and is now on a dizzying slide downward through an ever-quickening succession of events, both of the cosmos and of manmade induction, which are stepping this nation toward a now inevitable time of a complete and climatic destruction. Prayers from an apostate people for deliverance from catastrophic events current and future will not be heard, in the parlance of the Bible it is a time for sackcloth and ashes.
Those who believe that there is hope for a secular deliverance of this country from an increasingly inescapable terminal destiny at the hand of Almighty God or that the government or its leaders possess the answers to the nearly total social and spiritual unraveling of this commonwealth are barking up a wrong tree. Nowhere in the population of this nation or in the government or the institutions thereof exists a savior. Our Savior has come to this earth and gone and will return again, it is He that we should look to for deliverance. It is He who is the true Savior, and if the readers of this message have not accepted Him as such and taken advantage of His work upon the cross for the expiation of their sins past, present and future they most surely would do well to do so now. The fact is that any preacher, of honeyed words, who extols an innate goodness of man and salvation by any means other than through Jesus Christ, is a false messenger and is in service to the powers of darkness. God’s word says that none are righteous - no not one - and that the righteousness of man is as filthy rags in His sight.
My recent articles have been increasingly apocalyptic; I reject any thought that there is any hope that this country will be turned around by mortal men or by our terribly corrupt and fallible politicians. These, and those who extol their virtues, will do nothing other than hasten our fall. This has not been a popular message with some and several letters in response to my recent columns have been vitriolic and hate filled. I understand this, as the writers of these messages love the world either above God or in place of God.
I am grateful to those who carry my articles on their websites and pray for God’s blessings upon them. But, I know that there will come a time, and very soon, when my words will be blocked and censored. The prophets of old who were sent to deliver hard messages unto God’s people and to their kings and religious leaders were censored and imprisoned, and those who speak the truth today can expect the same circumstances as even now we see an unrighteous abridgement - by a fascistic government - of individual rights and liberties.
“When I say unto the wicked, Thou shall surely die; and thou gives him not warning, nor speaks to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand.” (Ezekiel 3:18)
Clearly those in the ministry today who tickle the ears with new age doctrines - such as the goodness of man, a lack of evil, that man is divine and therefore can create his own spiritual destiny, Satan is an imaginary being and that there are many roads to salvation - have not read the above scripture. And if they have and have rejected it, or any other of God’s truths, they will stand and give an account for every lost soul that was in their charge.
The affects of hurricane IKE were tremendous. The cost of property damage has been estimated at one trillion dollars. Tens of thousands of homes have been destroyed and hundreds of thousands people have been made homeless. Millions are without power and industries of all kinds have been either disrupted or destroyed and shut down altogether. Local economies have been all but wiped out and the U.S. economy already a tottering shambles held together by chewing gum and duct tape is being pushed to the edge. The dwindling number of middle- income taxpayers cannot continually bail out one area after another from the costs of major catastrophic events that now occur at a rate of nearly one upon another, and it is with a certainty that the major corporations that are virtually completely exempt from taxation are not going to contribute to any recovery as greed is the name of their game. The soon coming burden that the government will place upon the dwindling few will be crushing. And yet this is but the initial phase of the coming tribulation upon this nation. The apocalyptic natural events will continue, but that is not the whole of the story.
The economy of this nation is, for all intents, shot; fooled away by seeming half-wits. The government and the elites have striven mightily with lies, manipulation of the markets, and bailouts of failed financial institutions to wire together a wrecked economic infrastructure that has been made a disaster by their own hand. The stricken federally chartered housing finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - progeny’s of our totalitarian regime - have been absorbed by their maker and shaper and placed upon the backs of the people. A wrecked car in such a dismal shape as our economy would be declared a total loss and scrapped. I think that this is exactly the plan of those who pursue a one-world order. They endeavor powerfully and vigorously to scrap the dollar and negate our sovereignty in order that this nation might be coalesced with Canada and Mexico in a North American Union and then integrated into a new world order.
Who can know the evil that lurks in the minds of men? God knows and soon so shall we if we don’t already know.
A virtual Trojan horse of monumental proportions has been rolled across our borders. Such an event could not have been accomplished without the ignorance, apathy and complaisance of the people and the treasonous endeavors of the politicians who feed at trough of the corporate pirates who control the government and society with the monies that they have amassed by deceit, trickery and larceny beyond imagination. To be subject to these is the fate of a people who have no knowledge of Almighty God. This horse carried the seeds of an invasive and pernicious evil that will render this nation completely impotent and cause it to lie prostrate before its enemies.
Out of the horse poured predators, malcontents, criminals of all stripe, disease carriers, free loaders, mercenaries and subversives. Such have molested, raped and killed our children, disrupted and corrupted every facet of an amalgamate and orderly society, bankrupted our local governments and institutions, piled the people high with debt to sustain the invaders with perks beyond anything available to ordinary citizens, caused us to build an ever increasing number of prisons to incarcerate alien invaders who kill, violate and maim American citizens, and opened the country to the predations of clandestine enemy agents who have infiltrated via open borders and lax immigration policies and who are supported by enemy citadels that have been openly set up under the noses of the government and its security agencies in the guise of mosques and embassies..
The floods, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the fires, the earthquakes and the manmade disasters presage the time of the end. Soon - very soon - our cities will be host to civil strife such has never been experienced in the history of this nation. A pestilence of violence will roll across the land, cities will burn and the carnage will be great. Our panicked fascist government will add to that carnage. The violence will exacerbate an already degraded situation and disease and famine will spread exponentially in the wake of the violence. There will be widespread panic brought about by the rolling and continuous collapse of services and social order. No person will be isolated from the effects of the collapse of order that will affect those both within and without the cities.
“The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die with the sword; and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him”
(Ezekiel 7:15)
When the nation has been sufficiently weakened by all of the foregoing an utter annihilation will fall upon the land and it will be made desolate by nuclear fire.
“In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate; that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your images may be cut down, and your works may be abolished. And the slain shall fall in the midst of you, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.” (Ezekiel 6:6-7)
Jim Schwiesow is a retired sheriff with 46 years of law enforcement service. He served with the Unites States Army with the occupation forces in post war Berlin, Germany, and has a total of nine years of military service, which includes six years in the U.S. Army Reserve.
His law enforcement service includes: three years in the military police, fifteen years as an Iowa municipal police officer, and twenty-eight years as the duly elected sheriff of Sioux County, Iowa.
Jim has written a number of articles, which have been published in various professional law enforcement journals.
E-Mail: jimr@orangecitycomm.net
Web-Site: www.sheriffjimonline.com