31 January 2009
israeli army destroys gaza zoo slaughters animals
via citizens for legitimate government
'Around every corner, inside almost every cage are dead animals, who have been lying in their cages since the Israeli incursion.' Israeli troops shot and killed zoo animals 25 Jan 2009 The Gaza Zoo reeks of death. But zookeeper Emad Jameel Qasim doesn't appear to react to the stench as he walks around the animals' enclosures. A month ago, it was attracting families - he says the zoo drew up to 1,000 visitors each day. He points at the foot-long hole in the camel in one of the enclosures. "This camel was pregnant, a missile went into her back," he tells us. "Look, look at her face. She was in pain when she died." [Yeah, I am *so sure* the pregnant camel was working for Hamas. Why is the US funding war criminals, terrorists and Sarah Palinesque sociopaths? --LRP]
Israeli Massacre Against Thousand of Chickens In Gaza By Sameh A. Habeeb 23 Jan 2009 (Photos)
'I can't figure out why the Israelis thought that Hamas had anything to do with ice cream.' The Devastation of Gaza: From Factories to Ice Cream 28 Jan 2009 Yaser Alwadeya wanders past a field strewn with the remnants of gaily painted ice cream carts, which were shredded by a blizzard of shrapnel. He enters the blackened innards of the Al Ameer factory, which once manufactured Gaza's tastiest ice cream and popsicles. Shaking his head, he says, "I can't figure out why the Israelis thought that Hamas had anything to do with ice cream."
Video: Gaza farmers devastated by war 29 Jan 2009 The scale of the damage caused by Israel's war on Gaza continues to emerge. Palestinian agriculture officials estimate the cost to the strip's farming sector will be more than 200 million dollars. Al Jazeera's Mike Kirsch reports from Gaza, where many farmers are devastated at having to start again from scratch. (Video)
First evidence of damage to Gaza's cultural sites emerges --Antiquities museum hit; fears grow for excavated archaeology 28 Jan 2009 After a 3,500-year history of invasions, the latest war on the beleaguered coastal strip of Gaza has once again put historic sites at risk. With the fragile ceasefire still in force, The Art Newspaper has learned that Gaza’s only museum has been damaged and other heritage sites and buildings may also be at risk.
Witnesses say Israeli soldiers deliberately targeted civilians in Gaza 30 Jan 2009 Three witnesses say Israeli soldiers shot and killed two civilians who had raised their arms after being told to stop the tractor they were driving. The incident took place on the second day of the Israeli ground offensive in Gaza. The incident has come to light as a result of an investigation by Australia's national newspaper, The Australian.
Spain to stop investigations of alleged Israeli war crimes 31 Jan 2009 A day after a Spanish court ordered an investigation into an assassination of a Palestinian militant in 2002, the Spanish government has said it will cancel the investigation, and change the law to prevent such investigations being undertaken in the future. The moves came after Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni telephoned the Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos on Friday. Livni said after the call Moratinos told her he 'would fix it.'
eric hufschmid
jews united against zionism
neturei karta international: orthodox jews united against zionism
learn about the ashkenazi / khazar "jewish" imposters
the thirteenth tribe by arthur koestler
ex-zionist benjamin h. freedman née freidman:
facts are facts: the truth about khazars
u.s. presidents - jewish pawns
1974 speech
and also:
rabbi chaim lefkowitz - zionists stole the true name of the jews
and also
jack bernstein
my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
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barry cooper uncovers a drug detector dog false alert scam
Barry Cooper, CEO of www.nevergetbusted.com and Vice President of www.kopbusters.com is retained by Austin, Texas, Defense Attorney, James Gill, as an expert witness to testify the K-9 in this video false alerted.
This is the worst case Barry has seen. The motorist was pulled over for a traffic violation and refused consent to search.
If the K-9 handler can get his dog to alert, the auto can be searched. This handler walked the dog by the driver's door a dozen times before coaxing him to alert by stimulating him with his toy reward.
A legitimate alert would have happened the first or second pass at the door. The motorist was illegally arrested for possession of controlled substance and possession of marijuana. Kopbusters will be monitoring this case and reporting the outcome.
Watch these videos of a true K-9 alert and subtle false alerts to compare the gross differences: www.nevergetbusted.com/k9test3.php
If you were the judge in this case, how would you rule? False alert or True alert?
Please post your answer on the YouTube watch page here.
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29 January 2009
move afoot to recruit porn star stormy daniels to challenge david vitter
earlier today we received a press release from the draft stormy press team. it says that draft stormy is a "non-partisan grassroots movement to draft baton rouge native stormy daniels into the 2010 louisiana senate race." david vitter is running for reelection in 2010.
the email appears to originate from a computer registered to reed college, portland, oregon. which coincidentally, we have a friend who earned a degree from there a couple of years ago. reed must have a pretty good political curriculum because our friend was hired by obama for america as a paid staff member and got to fly around the country arranging barack obama campaign rallies.
anyhooo - you can view the entire release over on your right hand thief here.
stormy daniels at the internet movie database
stormy daniels at the notable names database
see also
the stormy daniels label
in the footer of this post
related posts
updated and edited 11:32 am cst tuesday 10 february 2009
former assistant treasury sec'y is skeptical of obama's econonic plans
former assistant sec'y of the u.s. treasury, paul craig roberts, outlines why he is skeptical of president obama's economic plans.
"what wall street is banking on is that obama will set up a so called 'bad bank' to purchase all the bad assets and hold them and then sometime in the future, try to sell them for for what they would bring when the economy recovers. apparently, something like this happened in sweden a few years ago and it worked. but of course, the american problem goes far beyond than just bad assets in the hands of banks and thats debt to be addressed - the real problem." paul craig roberts
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28 January 2009
H.R. 1 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
244 - 188

from the government printing office
or here
CBO and JCT estimate that enacting H.R. 1 would increase budget deficits by $526 billion over the 2009-2010 period (about 19 months) and by a total of $816 billion over the 2009-2019 period.
The following table summarizes CBO’s and JCT’s estimates of H.R. 1’s budgetary effects; estimates for the legislation’s major components (by division and title) are presented in a detailed table at the end of this cost estimate.
Some of the bill’s provisions would affect cash flows for the Social Security trust funds and the Postal Service fund, both of which are classified as “off-budget.” CBO and JCT estimate that enacting H.R. 1 would increase on-budget deficits by about $817 billion over the 2009-2019 period and reduce off-budget deficits by about $1 billion over that period (see the memorandum at the end of the attached detailed table for on-budget and off-budget effects by year). ~ congressional budget office cost estimate on h.r. 1 via the congressional budget office, douglas w. elmendorf, director's blog.
how louisiana's congressmen voted on h.r. 1:
charlie melancon - voted for the wall street bailout and for the auto bailout bill
rodney alexander - voted for the wall street bailout
charles boustany - voted for the wall street bailout
anh cao - wasnt in office
bill cassidy - wasnt in office but said that he would have voted for the wall street bailout
john fleming - wasnt in office but said that he would not have voted for the wall street bailout
steve scalise - voted against the wall street bailout
billy powell of lynyrd skynyrd fame dies
tribute to billy powell
03 june 1952 - 28 january 2009
aged 56
jacksonville.com: lynyrd skynyrd keyboard player billy powell dead at 56
billy powell memorial at find-a-grave

Billy Powell - piano, keyboards
Artimus Pyle - drums
Gary Rossington - lead guitar
Ronnie Van Zant - lead vocals
Leon Wilkeson - bass, vocals
Cardiff Capitol Theatre (Cardiff, Wales)
06 November 1975
Tracks: 9 / Total Time: 49:41
Catalog: King Biscuit
Lynyrd Skynyrd was performing in the United Kingdom on a tour promoting their third studio album, Nuthin’ Fancy. The band was coming off two hugely successful albums, their debut, Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd and 1974’s Second Helping, and they had recently changed both their drummer (from Bob Berns to Artimus Pyle) and lost their original guitarists, Ed King. The changes had appeared to revitalize the band, which, although down to six pieces, played with more energy and passion than they had before.
This show features Lynyrd Skynyrd in an environment where the band felt comfortable and was at the top of their game. With the exception of the Allman Brothers, most Southern Rock bands had stayed away from the U.K. during this period because the country’s music scene was so wrapped up in the emerging punk movement. But that didn’t scare Skynyrd, who confidently played their brand of riff-driving Southern fried rock boogie to near capacity crowds on this tour.
Kicking off with the raucous "Double Trouble," they quickly move into "I Ain’t The One," from their debut album. Poignant songs like "Needle And Spoon" are balanced against established Skynyrd rockers such as, "Saturday Night Special" and "Gimmie Three Steps." Songs like "Whiskey Rock A Roller," "Call Me The Breeze," and "Sweet Home Alabama" are played here in their original form, and it is somehow strangely ironic that many of these classics would re-emerge as part of the must-do repertoire of so many country artists.
The band ends the show with a predictable, but crowd-pleasing version of their radio hit, "Free Bird," which clocks in at 12:20. Sadly, the band would change drastically when some of their members, including lead vocalist Ronnie Van Zant, died in a plane crash less than two years after this show was recorded.
Wolfgang’s Vault is the home for the past, present and future of live music. This is the exclusive destination for The Bill Graham Archives, the King Biscuit Flower Hour and the Record Plant along with a dozen other archives that live here, and are relived here. Within the Concert Vault are thousands of carefully restored and archived concert recordings to stream for free, hundreds of which are available for download. Browse the Concert Vault at your own pace by performer, by date or by venue; make your own playlist or let us guide you through the depths of the archive with Vault Radio.
originally posted 30 may 2008 as
wolfgangs concert vault: lynyrd skynyrd
S.328 house rethugs kill dtv delay act
why the rethugs chose this bill to make president obama look bad, we dont know. the people that they're mainly hurting are the poor and elderly. we read in the memphis commercial appeal a couple of weeks ago that the
"commerce department has run out of money for coupons to subsidize digital tv converter boxes for consumers. people who don't have cable or satellite service or a new tv with a digital tuner will need the converter boxes to keep their older analog sets working."what would it hurt to delay the implementation of dtv from 17 february - 12 june 2009?
YEA 258 AND NAY 168
the bill required a 2/3 majority of 285 (currently 432 reps - according to the roll call vote) to suspend the rules and pass
28-Jan-2009 12:53 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
BILL TITLE: To postpone the DTV transition date.
rodney alexander
charles boustany
anh cao
bill cassidy
john fleming
charlie melancon - alleged democrat/longtime rethug butt smoocher
steve scalise
GovTrack.us. S. 328--111st Congress (2009): DTV Delay Act, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) (accessed Jan 28, 2009)
Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.
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27 January 2009
jim engster remembers longtime louisiana elections commissioner jerry fowler who died at baton rouge, la., monday 26 january 2009
mr. fowler might have had his problems and went to prison over corruption charges but the worst thing that he did was starting around 1990 when he began the implementation of the fraudulent electronic voting machines that now infest every parish in this state.
statewide electronic voting machine fraud was very nearly achieved by fox mckeithen before he mysteriously died. his successor al ater seen to it that by fall of 2006 louisiana's voting was done entirely by electronic voting machine fraud. the current sec'y of state jay dardenne likewise, continues to perpetuate the fraud.
see also
black box voting.org
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26 January 2009
katrina mary landrieu snellings votes to confirm tax fraudster timothy f. geithner to be sec'y of treasury
to put a tax dodger
in charge of the
united states treasury and irs

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central louisiana breastfeeding coalition
the central louisiana breastfeeding coalition has been receiving some publicity in the local press, such as the gannett/shreveport times here and the gannett/town talk here.
we certainly appreciate these mothers, fathers and other interested individuals that make up the coalition; who are working hard to improve the health of the newest, most vulnerable and cherished members of the central louisiana community.
we are thankful as well, to the below businesses who are enrolled in the coalitions "mom at work" program:
Capital One
Roy O. Martin
Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital
Proctor and Gamble
Wallace Eye Surgery
Christus Cabrini Pediatric Therapy Center
Rhodes Pediatric Clinic
Easter Seals Louisiana
Lori Brian Photography Studio
Gilchrist Construction Company
Pinecrest Support and Services Center
perusing the coalitions great website we came across their page "breastfeeding facts" and was disappointed to see that not included with their data is one of the most pressing reasons why breastfeeding is so important, especially these days, which is the presence of state mandated *fluoride in our louisiana drinking water.
according to the fluoride action network: health effects: fluoride warnings for infants:
*in the 2008 regular louisiana legislative session, corrupt lake charles democrat, state senator, willie landry mount aided in the state house by monroe rino, kay "bucket of bolts" katz, pushed through, by stealth, mount's senate bill no. 312 which will mandate the fluoridation of louisiana's water supply.Fluoride Exposure During InfancyIn contrast to recommendations adopted in the 1950s, fluoride supplementation is no longer recommended for newborn children. This includes both fluoride in drops, and fluoride in drinking water.
Not only is fluoride ingestion during infancy unnecessary, it can also be harmful - as suggested by a mounting body of evidence linking fluoride exposure during the first year of life with the development of dental fluorosis. (For pictures of dental fluorosis, click here)
Because of the risk for dental fluorosis, and the lack of demonstrable benefit from ingesting fluoride before teeth erupt, the American Dental Association - and a growing number of dental researchers - recommend that children under 12 months of age should not consume fluoridated water while babies under 6 months of age should not receive any fluoride drops or pills.
Fluoridated drinking water contains up to 200 times more fluoride than breast milk (1000 ppb in fluoridated tap water vs 5-10 ppb in breast milk).
As a result, babies consuming formula made with fluoridated tap water are exposed to much higher levels of fluoride than a breast-fed infant. (A baby drinking fluoridated formula receives the highest dosage of fluoride among all age groups in the population (0.1-0.2+ mg/kg/day), whereas a breast-fed infant receives the lowest).
Dental fluorosis is not the only risk from early-life exposure to fluoride. ~ read more
sb312 was signed into law by that republican fraud of a governor piyush "bobby" jindal.
see the sb312 label in the footer of this post for more information
24 January 2009
lpb coverage of the opening of the coughlin-saunders performing arts center
original air date: 29 july 2005
flashback: jeff crouere's historic 20 july 2007 expose of the david vitter affair
UPDATE: ryan at daily kingfish says that a porn star recruited from a craigslist ad is set to run against david vitter. dk's post is based on a column written by wst... fave, christopher tidmore, who appears in the above vid.
download video at google video (see link) or here 82mb
originally posted 06 february 2008
alexandria, la. doctor wonders if the louisiana state bar has a code of ethics
dr. peter l. couvillion, in his 21 january 2009 gannett/town talk, 'your mail:' "city council, straighten up" [link or download .pdf] makes the same point that we were attempting to make in our bridgett brown is a trip post.
a point for which we were viciously attacked by addle-brained, unethical alexandria, la. attorney greg aymond, la. bar roll 17,449, who claims that he is a "former" member of the ku klux klan, while on his central la politics blog irresponsibly calls several members of the alexandria, la. city council a pack of *nigger street thugs in what must be his desperate attempt to get an alexandria, la. race war going:
see: the light: alexandria (la) attorney greg aymond missed the mark with his "nigga thug" posting and cenlamar: greg aymond needs to apologize and your right hand thief: quotes of the weak for 15 december 2008 and my bossier: alexandria "blog war" brings response from mayor roy
it's a mistake to solely single out ms. brown due to her shabby behavior -- even though it is easy to do so given the media attention. all citizens must demand higher ethical standards and respectable conduct for and by all attorneys -- at all times.
we must demand better law schools with mechanisms in place, to root out the riff-raff before they become attorneys.
we must demand that the state bar move quicker to remove those attorneys who bring dishonor, disrepute and discredit upon the practice of law; who shame honest officers of the court.
*mr. aymond claims that we intentionally misquote him as he disingenuously uses the word "nigga" which if he would have bothered to have done about five minutes or less of research, would have learned that nigga is an eye dialect of nigger and means the same thing.
in another blog post of his, he pointed out that "the term 'nigga street thugs' was meant to be offensive."
in yet another blog post, mr. aymond says that "if my use of the word "nigga" gives people the red-ass, then so be it. mission accomplished."
any reasonable minded person, after analyzing the context of mr. aymond's posts, likely couldnt help but conclude: that nigger was the word that he was really using -- but was too cowardly to use in its proper form.
through another of mr. aymond's typically illogical constructs -- he incredibly attempts to trick his readers into believing that his use of the word nigga is different to the word nigger since it's "hip hop rap slang." although - repeating - both words are the same.
see also
the unethical attorney greg aymond
label in the footer of this post
23 January 2009
aclu to represent johnny duncan in his federal complaint against the amite, louisiana police department
johnny duncan is an author who self published a book titled "you might be a nigger!" to help advertise his book he placed a sign with its title and his contact information on the side of his car.
subsequently, the amite police department ticketed him "for displaying an obscenity on his car."
according to the times-picayune (see link) the ticket was later dismissed. we might add and rightfully so.
now, mr. duncan is suing the police department in federal court. good!
as former police officer turned anti-drug war activitist barry cooper has pointed out, one way to help stop police abuse is to sue them. so we wish mr. duncan well with his complaint.
note: a lot of people complain about the aclu. but why werent there any "honest, respectable" attorney's willing to step-up to the plate and go to bat for mr. duncan?
richard j goss/greenbriar motel shooting: mike magnoli has a few questions for alexandria, la. city attorney charles "chuck" johnson
see also
the richard goss shooting
label in the footer of this post
22 January 2009
geoeye satellite snap of obama inauguration

those google earth users who wish to view this photo through google earth, can get the kml code to open in google earth from the google lat long blog here.
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21 January 2009
an 8" noose makes loony loozianians panic
UPDATE: 22 january 2009 louisiana state police release a photograph of the terrifying eight inch noose
look how pathetic these so called leaders are. someone leaves an 8" [20cm] noose on someones work desk - eight inches - how is someone s'posed to be hung with an eight inch noose? and the state goes crazy. full panic and emergency mode. notice the media doesnt bother to find out and/or report if thats eight inches in overall length or an eight inch eye - all the repeaters know is that someone told them its a noose!
now check this out - the state director of the governor's office of homeland security & emergency prepardness, mark cooper, says that "my number one priority right now is the well-being of these two employees, who were subjected to and victimized by the most hideous crime...we will do whatever it takes to assist and support them and their families, in any way possible to deal with this gross violation of an individuals right to work in a safe and positive work environment" it's an eight inch noose and this clown is acting like employees were killed. pafreakingthetic.
next, they trot out col. mike edmonson, the superintendent of the louisiana state police. now hes done called in the the u.s. attorney, he wants to launch a full investigation with the fbi! lol. this guy, before he was promoted to state police superintendent, by that fraud piyush "bobby" jindal, was lsu football head coach, les miles' personal body guard. mmhmm.
the reason this state is in the shape that its in, is because its ran by a bunch of freaks and the state legislature, who passed this garbage bill, along with a lot of others, last year is nothing but an organized crime gang that are the actual criminals on the loose.
katrina mary landrieu snellings votes to confirm hillary clinton to sec'y of state
only senator jim demint and senator david vitter voted nay
senator clinton and senator ted kennedy didnt vote

state supremes censure 19th judicial district court judge donald r. johnson
note: this judge should not be confused with ninth judicial district court [rapides parish] judge, donald t. johnson.
After a review of the record, we find that Judge Johnson’s conduct violated Canons 1, 2A, 3A(1) and 5B(2) of the Code of Judicial Conduct, as well as Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure arts. 895 and 895.1. Pursuant to Louisiana Constitution art. V, Section 25 (C). We additionally find that public censure is warranted.
Formal Charge 0266: Improper Allocation of Fines
Between 2003 and 2005, Judge Johnson, while presiding over Drug Court, ordered defendants in 124 criminal cases to pay fines to various public elementary and high schools, and not-for-profit or charitable organizations, ranging from $50 to $5,000 per case, totaling nearly $100,000 in all.
Judge Johnson defended Formal Charge 0266, in part, by pointing out to the Commission that he simply engaged in the same practices as those of his colleagues on the 19th JDC, who preceded him as drug court judges.
Formal Charge 0284: Dual Office Holding
Sara Holliday began working at the 19th Judicial District Court (the “Court”) as Judge Johnson’s judicial assistant in May 1999, and was still employed at the court when Judge Johnson approved of Ms. Holliday’s holding another job with a federal governmental agency. Ms. Holliday was employed full-time by the United States Small Business Administration (the “SBA”) during the time period from October 17,2005 to February 15, 2006. Ms. Holliday gave the Court two weeks’ notice that she was terminating her employment with the court effective October 14, 2005. The resignation letter was dated October 3, 2005.
Ms. Holliday was rehired by the court as Judge Johnson’s judicial assistant approximately one week after the October 14, 2005 effective date of her resignation.
For the reasons stated herein, it is ordered that Judge Donald R. Johnson of the 19th Judicial District Court for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, be publicly censured. It is further ordered that Judge Johnson be ordered to reimburse and pay to the Commission the amount of $5,801.89 in hard costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of his case pursuant to Supreme Court Rule XXIII, Section 22.
VICTORY, J., dissents and would impose a more serious sanction.
richard joseph goss, greenbrier motel shooting 'coverup' gets weirder and weirder
it looks like several councilmen are attempting to use this mans death to embarrass the mayor. the mayor has an "administrative briefing" every wednesday. it's carried live on public access television, so why hasnt the media questioned him about the shooting already?
what is the name of the mysterious doctor who signed mr. goss' death certificate? according to this report posted to the columbia university website, schizophrenia "can't be diagnosed on the autopsy table."
while this report from 1977, "autopsy findings in mental patients," says that:
"The antemortem clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia had been made in 20 patients. Consideration of the autopsy and clinical findings suggested in retrospect that in 1 White patient and 5 Black patients the diagnosis of schizophrenia could be questioned.EXTERNAL LINK
In these cases atypical psychiatric symptoms had been present and pathological lesions suggested a cause other than schizophrenia.
Pathological lesions found included post-traumatic cerebral scarring, cerebral tumour in 2 cases, and cirrhosis of the liver. In Black patients difficulty in diagnosis is caused by the fact that toxic psychosis may mimic schizophrenia, while true schizophrenia may be complicated by the presence of toxic psychosis. With light microscopy, no specific cellular changes were found in the brains of schizophrenic patients."
20 January 2009
the white house website proclaims "change has come to america"

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barack hussein obama vs "bobby" jindal
in todays presidential swearing in ceremony, president obama in taking the presidential oath of office, used his full legal name: barack hussein obama.
while in last january's swearing in ceremony for louisiana's governor, piyush "bobby" jindal, despite after being instructed by the chief justice of the louisiana supreme court to "hold up your right hand, repeat after me and state your name," chose to use his pseudonym "bobby" which is not his real or legal name.
we have to give kudos to president obama for having the integrity to use his full legal name despite all the hyperbole surrounding it.
barack obama became the 44th president of the united states of america at 11:05 am cst [-0600 UTC].
19 January 2009
barack obama and the end of acting white
wst... note: we've been reading gunfighter's blog for a couple of years. he is a policeman in the washington, d.c. area. he is a bit liberal, ok a lot liberal and we seldom agree with any of his positions -- however, he always provides heartfelt, honest, thought provoking essays which of course, appeals to our romanticism.
"Who do you think you are?"EXTERNAL LINK
"You talk like a white boy!"
"You think you're better than us!"
I am 45 years old. It's been at least 28 years since the things that I wrote above were last said to me... to my face, anyway. It still smarts when I bother to think about it, which I seldom do... but it's been there, all these years, a very personal source of pain. A lifetime of barbs and insults, all because of the way I talk.
For generations, it has always been desirable in the black community, as it has all over America, to get all the education that you can. Education has always been seen as the way to improve not only your economic condition, but your social position as well.
Since emancipation, this had been seen as a great thing in the black community. The thought had always been, that if your children got an education and learned to speak English correctly, perhaps they could enter a trade or one of the professions. It was certainly so for my mother's parent's (a professor and a Nurse)... it was so for my parents.
Then something changed.
I'll close by giving a special shout-out to those family members, fellow students, colleagues, black pundits and civil rights leaders, journalists, and others who have tormented or criticized any black person about speaking standard English. You need to hear this, from me, to you... ~ read more
18 January 2009
video of us airways flight 1549 crash landing in the hudson river
the office of new york city mayor, mickey bloomberg, released random surveillance cam video of the us airways flight 1549, thursday, 15 january 2009, crash landing into the hudson river, new york.
see also
international herald tribune
dramatic details released on plane crash into the hudson
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17 January 2009
google video to halt video uploading
according to a 14 january 2009 post on the official google video blog, google will shortly discontinue support for uploads to google video. google says that they are not removing any content already on the service, just disallowing the uploading of any new content.
google says that those who wish to upload content to them, should use youtube or picasa web albums -- although its unclear if youtube's current 10 minute and 1gb time and file size restrictions will be changed. currently, videos uploaded to picasa web albums must be no larger than 100 mb.
UPDATE: according to 'the blog herald:' "blogger video uploads are not affected."
videos uploaded directly to a blogspot post (which are ultimately hosted on google video) are limited to 100mb. it's unknown right now if that file size will be increased.
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16 January 2009
shreveport man gets 15 years for stealing $100.00
***DEVELOPING ... 14 october 2011 ... earlier this afternoon we spoke by telephone to randy bain, news director at ktbs.
we explained to him how roy brown and the report of his receiving 15 years in jail for stealing $100.00 has resonated across the internet.
that it has drawn in interest from the start and how we receive huge roy brown traffic spikes from time to time when his story is mentioned in the blogosphere or media somewhere in the world.
you probably know what we mean.
we explained that there was never any verifiable followup on this story which is inexplicable and suspicious to the global internet audience because everyone can see it was well covered online. 'so why wasnt it on every tv station?' some quip.
and that not surprisingly over time this lack of further mention, well ... its made a lot of people in the internet suspect that the roy brown story is just another internet hoax.
for example, recently commentators on the escapist: forums, without anything more to go on are pretty reasonable in their skepticism see Homeless man turns himself in for taking $100 dollars. Gets 15 Years.
kudos to the escapist: forums commenter evilneko for finding the still live ktbs roy brown url.
as far as the image being fake -- our image below is a screen grab that we personally took of roy brown's booking information off of the official police department website. others may have used this image or a derivative of it or created their own; that we have no control over. it is a public domain image. La. R.S. 44:1 et seq.
after reflecting and drawing from the information that he had available at his fingertips from his desk mr. bain said flat out that "roy brown is not a hoax."
he came here to this post and said he would check out the links and forums and hopefully answer all of your questions in a new roy brown report.
ktbs, while in louisiana, is out of our viewing area and isnt carried by our cable provider suddenlink, so there is a very slim to non chance that we will be able to add it to youtube. however,
mr. bain understands that due to the global interest in roy brown to also post the report from their website of ktbs.com
until we learn more, regularly check out www.ktbs.com
07 july 2011 UPDATE
thanks to a blog post from 24 june 2011, we've become aware that some are starting to suspect that roy brown is a hoax. see: the johnsville news "injustice in america or clever hoax?"
for sure, it's always good to be suspicious of what you read online and do your own original research. so we thank the johnsville news for their post.
when we originally posted this story it was reported from ktbs-tv, channel 3, the abc affiliate, in shreveport, louisiana.
KTBSthe internet archive, wayback machine, bears this out. navigate to archive.org and enter our original 2009 source url in the wayback machine search:
SHREVEPORT LA 71104-3504
Main Number 318-861-5800
Newsroom 318-861-5880
318-219-4680 (fax)
website www.ktbs.com
Man who took one bill and handed rest back to bank teller gets 15-year sentence
Created: January 15, 2009 04:08 PM
Modified: January 15, 2009 06:52 PM
A man who said he robbed a downtown Shreveport bank because he was out of a job and hungry has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for first-degree robbery.
Roy Brown, 54, of Audrey Lane, pleaded guilty in Caddo District Court to robbing the Capital One bank in December 2007.
Brown admitted walking up to a teller with one of his hands under his jacket and telling her it was a "stickup." The teller handed the man three stacks of bills and he took a single $100 bill, told her he was homeless and left, police said.
Brown surrendered to police the next day, telling them his mother didn't raise him that way.
Police let him sober up and interviewed him two days later. Police said Brown told them he needed money to stay in a downtown detox center, had nowhere to stay and was hungry -- so he walked up the street and robbed the bank.
source:the internet archive, wayback machine. it also shows that this report was on ktbs.com until at least 20 march 2009.
yes there is no reporters name listed as responsible for filing the story; this was probably because someone at ktbs merely [re]posted a press release from the district attorney. so. it's entirely possible that this story was never reported over-the-air; only online and ktbs has no clue that it sparked a tremendous internet buzz / cause célèbre.
it couldnt hurt to contact them, explain the situation and request a more formal follow-up report.
anyway, if anyone finds the rest of the story posted online, let us know and we will link to it or if you own it we can post it here for you.
thanks ... wst ...

ktbs reports:
A man who said he robbed a downtown Shreveport bank because he was out of a job and hungry has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for first-degree robbery.
Roy Brown, 54, of Audrey Lane, pleaded guilty in Caddo District Court to robbing the Capital One bank in December 2007. Brown admitted walking up to a teller with one of his hands under his jacket and telling her it was a "stickup."
The teller handed the man three stacks of bills and he took a single $100 bill, told her he was homeless and left, police said.
Brown surrendered to police the next day, telling them his mother didn't raise him that way.
Police let him sober up and interviewed him two days later. Police said Brown told them he needed money to stay in a downtown detox center, had nowhere to stay and was hungry -- so he walked up the street and robbed the bank. ~ source
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