31 July 2012
apd cop; city of alexandria, la., sued for 2011 post oak boulevard shooting
we'd have to listen to the 911 call as well as view any video that the city has on this incident before we could form an opinion about this case.
however, from reading the petition, it's clear that you really shouldnt phone up 911 -- "in the midst of a psychotic episode," tell them that you're suicidal and then to prove that you're serious, shoot your shotgun off in the operators ear and expect pleasant things to happen when the police arrive. but hey you're having a "psychotic episode."
next time try calling the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1800-273-8255 anytime 24/7.
in some neighborhoods a neighbor would have already shot you for being crazy before the police ever became involved.
billy gunn wrote a news report about this incident in the 21 july 2011 edition of the gannett/alexandria daily town talk.
it appears that shel randal bohannon was shot in the upper leg, by, according to mr. bohannon's petition, apd corporal william chris wolf "with a 5.56 millimeter tactical round fired from a colt m16a2 'commando' rifle."

this petition is filed on mr. bohannon's behalf by j. craig jones, esq., of oakdale, louisiana and is allotted to ninth judicial district court judge mary lauve doggett.
updated to add the phone # and link to the national suicide prevention lifeline
26 July 2012
9th jdc judge george metoyer, jr., reversed: third circuit schools court; attorneys in summary judgment law and practice
lesson 1: La. CCP Article 966 summary judgments are not to be granted based on a factual finding - that's what trials are for; the only question before the court is whether or not there is no genuine issue of material fact;
lesson 2: (judge metoyer got this part right) dont try to jam each other on service with respect to memorandums, reply briefs and other pleadings that do not set a court date!

25 July 2012
wheels come off alexandrians fender-bender crash suit against rapides parish sheriffs office when attorney withdraws
alexandria, la. attorney byron o'neal's letter [from page 4 in the .pdf] to his client, tonia sewell, about why he is withdrawing from representing her makes sense to us.
it's mindful of that old aesop fable about the dog and his shadow.
on the other hand, we wonder, has mr. o'neal opened himself up to a potential claim by ms. sewell for filing a seemingly privileged attorney-client communication into the public record?

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24 July 2012
kroger on jackson street extension in alexandria, la. sued in slip-n-fall case
the petition of donna michelle aucoin and steven morris aucoin seeks to hold kroger liable because donna michelle aucoin slipped and fell in kroger on a wet floor near the seafood section.
steven morris aucoin has a claim for loss of consortium and loss of maintenance.
the aucoin's claim their damages are in excess of $50,000 and that they are entitled to a jury trial.
the aucoin's are represented by richard rozanski, esq., of the alexandria, louisiana wheelis & rozanski law firm.
the suit is allotted to ninth judicial district court judge harry randow.

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23 July 2012
fbi: maryland corporate fraudster pleads guilty to stealing $885k
via twitter @fbipressoffice ||| view tweet
Spent Corporate Money on Phone Sex and Prostitutes, Claiming the Expenditures were Advertising Expenses
U.S. Attorney’s Office July 23, 2012 ............................................. District of Maryland (410) 209-4800
BALTIMORE—Mark Chandler Goodnow, age 55, of Pasadena, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to wire fraud in connection with embezzling more than $885,000 from a corporation he controlled.
The guilty plea was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein and Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
"Corporate officers are fiduciaries for investors and other stakeholders," said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. "A corporate executive cannot spend money for personal benefit and falsely report it as a business expense."
According to his plea agreement, Goodnow was the president and chief executive officer of a national fast food franchise that maintained its principal office in Severna Park, Maryland. From 2006 to 2012, on more than 200 occasions, Goodnow spent a total of approximately $885,071 of the company’s money to pay three Texas women for telephone sex and their personal expenses and to pay prostitutes in Maryland. Goodnow concealed the unauthorized expenditures by reporting them in the company’s records as advertising expenditures.
Goodnow faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. U.S. District Judge Richard D. Bennett scheduled her sentencing for October 30, 2012, at 3:00 p.m.
This law enforcement action is part of President Barack Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force. President Obama established the interagency Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to wage an aggressive, coordinated, and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes.
The task force includes representatives from a broad range of federal agencies, regulatory authorities, inspectors general, and state and local law enforcement who, working together, bring to bear a powerful array of criminal and civil enforcement resources.
The task force is working to improve efforts across the federal executive branch and, with state and local partners, to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes, ensure just and effective punishment for those who perpetrate financial crimes, combat discrimination in the lending and financial markets, and recover proceeds for victims of financial crimes.
United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein thanked the FBI for its work in the investigation and praised Assistant U.S. Attorney Martin Clarke, who is prosecuting the case. ~ view source
22 July 2012
sunday matinée: the green pastures (1936)
a classic film set in louisiana
from the film opening: "a fable by marc connelly - suggested by roark bradford's southern sketches 'ol' man adam an' his chillun'' with the hall johnson choir.EXTERNAL LINK
god appears in many forms to those who believe in him. thousands of negroes in the deep south visualize god and heaven in terms of people and things they know in their everyday life. the green pastures is an attempt to portray that humble, reverent conception."====Sadly, many people aren't able to see past the racial stereotypes in the film to see the "big picture".
This film is without a doubt one of the purest, most innocent depictions of faith that I've seen in a very long time.
The Bible stories of Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses and others are shown through the eyes of a child attending her Sunday school class.
What better show of faith can one have than through the eyes of a child?
The role of God is played by the great Rex Ingram. Even with the somewhat stereotypical dialogue, he plays the part with a quiet, simple dignity that both inspires and moves ones emotions to the point of tears.
This "forgotten" classic should be seen as the young girl in the film, through the eyes and faith of a child. ~ source: internet movie database commenter keithbryantm
20 July 2012
3rd circuit orders st francis cabrini hospital to pay alexandria cardiovascular surgeon dr tommie mack granger damages in the amount of 2.9 million $
actual amount is $2,994,000 this reflects the 3rd circuit's reducing the jury's award to dr granger of general damages, from one million to 100,000 dollars and their reducing the jury's award for lost income to dr granger by $6,000 from $2,900,000 to $2,894,000.
the third circuit also reversed that part of the trial court judgement that found that st francis cabrini hospital violated provisions of the louisiana unfair trade practices and consumer protection act.

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18 July 2012
native spider lillies blooming 2012

Consider the Lillies how they growe, they toile not; they spinne not: and yet I say vnto you, that Solomon in all his glory, was not arayed like one of these. ~ jesus christ at saint luke chapter twelve verse twenty-seven kjv 1611
Thy two breasts, are like two yong Roes, that are twinnes, which feed among the lillies. ~ solomon at song of solomon chapter four verse five kjv 1611
Thy nauell is like a round goblet, which wanteth not licour: thy belly is like an heape of wheate, set about with lillies. ~ solomon at song of solomon chapter seven verse two kjv 1611
And vpon the top of the pillars was lillie worke: so was the worke of the pillars finished. ~ first kings chapter seven verse twenty-two kjv 1611
mississippi state university
office of agricultural communications
southern gardening: bold gardeners grow native spider lilies
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16 July 2012
alexandria, la. city streets collapsing
this was the scene on elliott street at olive street in alexandria, louisiana today.
according to a news report and video posted to the gannett/alexandria daily town talk "four people were taken to a local hospital today after a chevrolet minivan hit a sinkhole..."
it appears that those alexandria levee sand boils that were all the rage a couple of years ago are on the move.

former head buckeye; ash football coach chris gatlin sues david daily for defamation over spreading rumors of bullying & steroid use in school
this case by mutual consent was recently transferred to ninth judicial district court; allotted to judge harry randow from alexandria, la., city court.
the whole thing sounds like a bunch of baloney to us and apparently, all parties have the resources to hire local attorneys who can and will make a proceeding into a big production.
in his reconventional demand and third pary demand [page 74], mr. daily states that he runs some sort of financial investment business and that coach gatlin "suggested" to his clients to transfer their accounts.
also mr. daily and his wife tracy claim that their son drayton daily was retaliated against because they reported coach gatlin and others alleged inappropriate behavior.
now you know why dueling -- which would appear to have been a remedy called for here -- was outlawed -- so lawyers could get rich off a bunch of bullshit.

15 July 2012

12 July 2012
live klfy 8:49 cut-in st landry parish sheriff investigate possible grave sites re: mickey shunick
st landry parish, louisiana sheriff bobby guidroz, tells klfy-tv10, that a rice farmer told police that he saw "some mounds in the woods" and that the farmer wanted the police to investigate them because one or more appeared to be possible grave sites.
3 sites were looked at -- 2 were ruled out after they were searched and there was no evidence of either being a grave; at this hour forensics (the lafayette, la., crime scene unit) is investigating the third site; right now, all are awaiting the results of the investigation of that third site.
04 July 2012
The Execution of Nathan Hale, 1776

archibald mcneal willard
(1836 - 1918)
music of the revolutionary war
courtesy sturbridge colonial militia
link to audio download page

Word of the execution was brought to General Washington's headquarters shortly after by a British officer carrying a flag of truce. Captain William Hull of the Continental Army was present and recalled the event:
"In a few days an officer came to our camp, under a flag of truce, and informed Hamilton, then a captain of artillery, but afterwards the aid of General Washington, that Captain Hale had been arrested within the British lines condemned as a spy, and executed that morning.
I learned the melancholy particulars from this officer, who was present at his execution and seemed touched by the circumstances attending it.
He said that Captain Hale had passed through their army, both of Long Island and York Island. That he had procured sketches of the fortifications, and made memoranda of their number and different positions. When apprehended, he was taken before Sir William Howe, and these papers, found concealed about his person, betrayed his intentions. He at once declared his name, rank in the American army, and his object in coming within the British lines.
'On the morning of his execution,' continued the officer, 'my station was near the fatal spot, and I requested the Provost Marshal to permit the prisoner to sit in my marquee, while he was making the necessary preparations. Captain Hale entered: he was calm, and bore himself with gentle dignity, in the consciousness of rectitude and high intentions.
He asked for writing materials, which I furnished him: he wrote two letters, one to his mother and one to a brother officer.' He was shortly after summoned to the gallows. But a few persons were around him, yet his, characteristic dying words were remembered. He said, 'I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.'"
"The Execution of Nathan Hale, 1776," EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2000).
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originally posted 04 july 2008
last updated 04 july 2012
reposted 04 july 2010
reposted 04 july 2011
reposted 04 july 2012
03 July 2012
so that's how they do that ... tail docking and dew claw removal in 2 day old puppies ... torture or not?
"if you start to feel queasy please stop watching the video. sit down. take a deep breath."
this veterinarian, dr. greg martinez, has lots of interesting and informative vids on his channel: www.youtube.com/user/DrGregDVM
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andy griffith dead
via: twitter @cbsnews
Family friend confirms to CBS News that actor Andy Griffith has died ~ view tweet
clip Uploaded by rachelabombdotcom on Jan 18, 2010
I guess they never made it a secret how they have been selling us a bill of rotten goods.
near the end of his life griffith showed his true colors; confirming that he's just another hollyweird hack and whore with his treacherous endorsement of obamacare
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02 July 2012
state supremes reinstate mary henderson trahan conviction for second degree murder and life sentence
it was third circuit appeals court justice shannon gremillion's scary dissenting opinion that did it.

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nola civil district judge lloyd medley rules that nola mayor half moon landrieu's city hall violated La R.S. 44:1 et seq the public records law
as far as we can tell there's been no pleadings from this case posted online. the main stream media is never going to "report" the whole story; so from what we can gather what happened is that a times-picayune reporter, brendan mccarthy, filed an La. R.S. 44:1 et seq., public records request for the La. R.S. 44:3(4)(a)(b)(i) - (vii) "initial report" about an incident that occurred in new orleans on 19 april 2012.
"city hall" eventually produced what they represented to be the initial report. however, it was redacted in violation of the law.
the courts and districts attorney should take violations of louisiana's public records law more seriously than they do. elected officials and their quislings who willfully violate the public records law should be charged with malfeasance in office, arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.
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01 July 2012
alexandria police department stops distribution of new "cenla's bottom line" newspaper
according to bob madison on friday's talkback 970 pre-show with fred and bob program, 'cenla's bottom line' "is a new newspaper in town [supposedly] it's the same version of the ouachita parish - monroe version. it's loaded with color mug shots and other types of things ... it's going to be coming out every week." [clip.mp3 1.39 mb]
according to a recent facebook posting on the "cenla's bottom line" facebook page the first issue was released on friday 29 june 2012 at the following locations:
Jackson & Boltonin a follow-up facebook posting today, it says that apd made them stop distributing their paper friday.
Jackson & Texas
Masonic & Lee
Masonic & Texas
and other busy intersections around town.
monday, (02 july 2012) they will be out again attempting to find area merchants to sell their paper.
for more information on how to get a copy or if you are or know of an area merchant who might be interested in carrying their paper -- email them at cenlabottomline@gmail.com and view the cenla's bottom line facebook page.