28 August 2012
hurricane isaac makes landfall in extreme southeastern louisiana

7:00 PM CDT Tue Aug 28
Location: 29.0°N 89.4°W
Moving: NW at 8 mph
Min pressure: 970 mb...28.64 INCHES
Max sustained: 80 mph
intellicast -- data from alexandria international airport reporting station
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mac's fresh market weather line w/ tom konvicka & kalb meteorologists telephone: 318.442.1110
gannett/the alexandria daily town talk local news
Issued by the National Weather Service
updated about every two minutes.
Weather Observations from Esler Field ~ Updated Hourly
Weather Observations from Alexandria International Airport ~ Updated Hourly
National Weather Service: Louisiana State Information
Dial 511 for DOTD Road Updates
Louisiana. State Police
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Non-Emergency Number ~ Main Office - 473-6700
Boyce Substation - 793-8157
Ward 11 - Substation - 466-3231
Glenmora Substation - 748-4226
South Substation - 449-5482
Tioga Substation - 640-1696
27 August 2012
important safety tip for those pumping petrol into portable cannisters
it appears that all the media's fear-mongering over tropical storm isaac is paying off. the roads are full of people, the gas stations have long lines and some stations are already out of gasoline and the retailers are doing a booming business.
anyway, we went and got some gas a little while ago because the station was out of all gas when we stopped by earlier; had to wait in line it took about 45 minutes.
when we passed by the station this morning the price was $3.52 a gallon. on the return trip home, not even an hour later when we stopped by to fill up the first thing we saw on the sign was that the price had spiked to 3.69.
then we learned that the station was totally out of all gas. we went inside and asked the clerk how could gas go up seventeen cents when they had no gas. the clerk said that the supplier had called and said that, 3.69 would be the price when they delivered; the tanker was on its way.
so when we went back this evening, while we were pumping our gas we noticed a lady two rows over filling up her gas cans in the back of her suv.
she had the tailgate down with a row of about four or five, five gallon gas cans sitting in the bed on the carpet.
in the description box of the below video, gannett/the alexandria daily town talk reporter, abbey brown, reported that the gas can the woodworth man was pumping gas into was metal. the lady we saw at the gas station today, her's were plastic. we dont know if that makes a difference - ms. brown reported that alexandria, la., fire prevention officer chad parker said that,
"'if the gas can had been sitting on the ground, this fire never would have happened,' parker said. there are several notices on the pumps warning of the dangers of static electricity and gasoline instructing people to stay off their cell phone, to ground themselves before fueling and to always fill gas canisters on the ground, not in their vehicle. that advice, he said, is important to follow."we should have went over and said something to the lady because we believed that we might be witnessing something that could potentially be harmful and if so we knew better.
she was far away. there was a line behind her. there was a line behind us. there was a line behind everybody. everyone else not in the gas line was buzy running to-and-fro.
super one at kingsville had sold out of nearly all but the most expensive bread; fred's near libuse was doing a brisk business; all the retailers we visited seemed to be shorthanded.
a holiday village volunteer fire department pumper truck was there fueling. they were at the far end, at the diesel pump.
the lady was alone and elderly and lifting the gas cans full from off the ground into the back of her suv might have been more weight that she could lift like that. we'd like to think that had she filled the tanks on the ground we would have ran over and helped. who knows.
all we know is that sometimes all you can do is to whisper a quick prayer to god asking him that it be his will that nothing bad happens, trust him and go with that.
and uh oh yeah always fill your gas cans on the ground.
26 August 2012
louisiana blue jay taking a bath

Sheldon refers to the bird as a blue jay, however, it is a black-throated magpie-jay. ~ source====
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24 August 2012
billy idol
"shock to the system"
it was a night oh what a night -- l.a. burning bright
"white wedding" live w/ steve stevens
chicago 2006
there aint nothing fair in this world, there aint nothing safe in my world, there aint nothing sure in this world, there aint nothing pure in this world, look for something left in this world
"to be a lover" unplugged w/steve stevens
have mercy
"flesh for fantasy" live w/steve stevens
chicago 2006
bac-bac back
"eyes without a face" live w/steve stevens
chicago 2006
i'm on this bus, on a psychedelic trip, i read murder books, i stay hip and i, i think of you and you're down there, so, say your prayers
"dancing with myself" live w/steve stevens
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so let's sink another drink and it will give you time to think ... oh oh oh-oh
"rebel yell" live w/steve stevens
chicago 2006
she dont like slavery, she wont sit and beg
"mony mony"
live at wembly
hey motherfucker get laid get fucked (or whatever it was that the crowd out at the lighthouse circa 1987 yelled)
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citizens calls and letters over presence of shady characters in their neighborhood get results
For Media Release
From Lt. T. Carnline RPSO PIO
On August 23, 2012, Deputies assigned to the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office Metro Division followed up on a continuous complaint of drug sales and subjects drinking alcohol in the street all day around the area of 8th and Compton Streets.
Detectives received letters and phone calls from neighborhood residents asking for help resolving this problem. [emphasis added by rpso]
Deputies targeted the area and several times were unable to locate any drugs, but the same suspects were always present.
Some of the recent communications to deputies included locations where the drugs were being hidden.
Deputies conducted surveillance and located Jerald Smith and Christopher Peace who were drinking alcohol in the middle of the road.
Deputies located a large bag of marijuana hidden by a tree adjacent to Jerald Smith’s residence, just where the information had stated it would be.
Jerald Smith was on house arrest at the time of the investigation, from a previous Possession of CDS I to Distribute charge.
Both arrestees initially denied knowledge of the Marijuana, but upon arriving at the jail made comments to the contrary.
"I have said this before recently, but we appreciate this type of community involvement" said Sheriff William Earl Hilton. "We are here to help the community because they are tired of this activity in their neighborhoods."
Arrestee: Jerald Jerome Smith, 33, 2414 8th Street, Alexandria, La
Charges: Possession of Alcohol in Public
Possession of CDS I to Distribute
Charges: Possession of Alcohol in Public
Possession of CDS I to Distribute
burton p. guidry announces formation of exploratory committee in anticipation of seeking the office of louisiana attorney general in the fall of 2015
wst... note: we received the below press release this morning:

111 La Rue Concord, Suite B
Abbeville, Louisiana 70510
Phone: 337.740.0834
Fax: 888.332.4880
Email: burtonguidryforAG2015@gmail.com
Burton Paul Guidry, Louisiana lawyer and former Assistant Attorney General for 8 ½ years has announced today that he is forming an exploratory committee in anticipation of seeking the office of Louisiana Attorney General in the fall of 2015.
Mr. Guidry’s experience includes being Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal, Civil and Executive Divisions of that office and as the lead counsel on a number of cases of national and international importance. He has represented Louisiana in Washington DC before the United States Trade Commission and the United States Congress. He has also represented a number of state agencies and officials throughout Louisiana and the Federal Courts including the governor and other statewide officials.
In addition, he has been an Assistant Parish Attorney and City Prosecutor for East Baton Rouge Parish and a Capital Certified Public defender in the 15th Judicial District comprised of Lafayette, Acadia, and Vermilion Parishes. He was also appointed as chief City Attorney for the Town of Slaughter in East Feliciana Parish and has taught a number of legal courses throughout his 32 year legal career.
“The Attorney General of Louisiana should be the chief legal officer for this state and should never abdicate his responsibilities and authority to a select number of law firms who also happen to be his biggest contributors at election time.
In addition, the Louisiana Department of Justice is the most serious professional agency of our government and its leader should not be guided by the winds of politics or the party in power, but by professional and scholarly legal precedent and thought. Our chief lawyer should be articulate, intelligent and not focused on entertainment or promoting himself at every opportunity.
We should choose Louisiana’s lawyer not by political party or affiliation, but by experience, strategic acumen, intelligent articulation and personal and professional fortitude. We do not need an entertainer or a politician, but a full time legal workhorse in the job.
If I run and am elected to this important office, I can promise that I will seek no other office than this one, I will have no other career than Louisiana’s Lawyer, and that all of my talent and time will be dedicated to the people of Louisiana, not to the politics of the day.
I also promise to seek and obtain advice from every person in Louisiana who may have any particular talent or experience and to judiciously spend your tax money wisely in any litigation. Finally, the Louisiana Department of Justice will become a full service people’s law firm, open 24 hours each day, assisting citizens without regard for political or economic position, as far as the law and good ethics will allow.”
click here to download four page .pdf [2.38 mb]
23 August 2012
preparations underway for 3rd kolin kolache festival
yesterday we received a phone call from ms. wally sanson to let us know that the 3rd kolin kolache festival will be held this year at the kolin hall on saturday, 27 october 2012.
ms. sanson tells wst... that she is taking reservations for booths which are 10'x12' at $25.00 each.
her phone number is 318.443.9985. czech festivals are a wonderful opportunity to promote your business or cause to the community!
according to ms. sanson, last year all 130 dozen kolaches specially delivered from a noted czech bakery located in hallettsville, texas were sold out. this was an increase of ten dozen kolaches over the festival's inaugural year that the bakery provided which sold out too. that's not counting all the cochon de lait dinner plates sold plus whatever products, goods or services that the thirty-four independent vendors sold.
entertainment confirmed to appear so far for this year of 2012, include: strolling comedy-magic, balloon art and ventriloquism of david g. wonders;
musical guest: central louisiana's own: danny white and white lightning. regular weekend visitors to tunk's cypress inn will instantly recognize to whom we're referring as white lightning plays there two nights a month.
danny white for the last fifteen years has hosted 'solid gold sunday's' from 6am - noon as well as 'today's best country' saturdays from 6am - 10am, both on krrv fm 100.3.
earlier today wst... interviewed danny white, he told us that white lightning plays a mix of country, blues, oldies, cajun and zydeco and that they also take and appreciate audience requests - so we went ahead and requested "the freeze."
white lightning is:
danny white ~ lead guitar & vocals
bobby felsenthal ~ bass guitar, keyboards & vocals
dale rusk ~ drums & vocals
800 watts
age 71
originally from abbeville, grew up at intracoastal city and the vermillion bay
mother was a broussard father was a white
came to cenla in 1966
hardcore lsu tiger fan "since 1950 something"
trained in radio at wnoc at natchitoches, la., by jim hawthorne - the voice of the lsu tigers
1997 - inducted into the louisiana hall of fame for radio personality
inducted again into the louisiana hall of fame with jay chevalier and louisana longshots band
been at krrv since 1980
played with bernie alan band
played with jay chevalier for several years including an extended run with him at the union plaza in las vegas
attended northwestern and met the girl he would marry - they've been married since 1966
3rd Annual Kolin Kolache Festival
October 27, 2012
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Kolin Lodge Hall
119 Booner Miller Road off Hwy. 107
Kolin, Louisiana.
Home made meat pies, fresh baked kolache with many toppings, nitz, apple strudel, pecan rolls, pumpkin rolls, buchta, cakes and fresh fried pork skins.
Many art and craft booths, space jumper, hay ride and many new games for all ages.
At 1:00pm we will begin serving (cochon de lait) pig roast plates with okra dressing, green beans, candied sweet potatoes and a drink, all for only $7.00 each.
Dance 4:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m. "Danny White & White Lightning" Band.
$2.00 adults and children under 10 years free.
For more information, call 318.443.9985 or visit us on Facebook@Kolin Kolache Festival.
16 August 2012
16 january 1971 receiving the u.s. jaycees award as "one of the ten most outstanding young men of the nation" for 1970.
i would like to thank the jaycees for electing me as one of the outstanding young men.
when i was a child ladies and gentlemen, i was a dreamer and,
i read comic books and i was the hero of the comic book,
i saw movies and i was the hero in the movie,
so every dream that i ever dreamed has come true a hundred times,
i would like to say that, i learned very early in life, that:
without a song, the day would never end,
without a song, a man ain't got a friend,
without a song, the road would never bend,
without a song, so i keep singing a song.
working on a t-bone steak a la carte flying over to the golden state, the pilot told us in thirteen minutes he would set us at the terminal gate, swing-low chariot come down easy taxi to the terminal zone, cut your engines and cool your wings and let me make it to the telephone
let her have it, let her have it man
recorded 14 january 1973 ~ released 14 february 1973 ~ broadcast 04 april 1973
... the little girl with the beautiful high voice is kathy westmoreland... and the guy who gives me my scarves and sings harmony with me and general flunky: his name is charlie hodge ...
for in dixie land, i was born, early lord one frosty morn
little things i should have said and done -- i just never took the time ...
theres a song we did in blue hawaii that we did here about ten years ago and i'd like to sing it specially for you ...
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the raw story
elvis's ex thanks fans at graceland on 35th anniversary
elvis aaron presley memorial at find-a-grave
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10 August 2012
lsu head coach les miles 10 august 2012 press conference
UPDATE-2: scroll down to view backup copy courtesy of ikbis.com
lsu headcoach les miles announces that tyrann mathieu (the honey badger) has been kicked off the team ...
wst... note: the sound quality is poor to nonexistent until 4:47 when a tech remembered to plug head coach miles microphone into the sound board.
the live video feed was mysteriously lost before the news conference was over so this is not the complete presser.
Les Miles described Tyrann Mathieu as "a quality guy with behavior issues," in dismissing the Honey Badger from the LSU team permanently. ||| view tweet
08 August 2012
baton rouge rino erich ponti to run for public service commission
via www.thedeadpelican.com
geeze. voting this rino/gop fraudster onto the louisiana public service commission would be a bigger disaster than the disaster that is on their now.
are louisianaians really that stupid and pathetic to vote this ass clown onto the public service commission?
dont take our word for it -- go to www.legis.state.la.us >>bill search >> select a session >> select a member, view a list of instruments by legislator and look up the bills [for example: 2012] that ponti has sponsored and his voting record and you will quickly see that he is all about stealing your rights, freedoms and money.
corporate america couldnt ask for a bigger sell out/whore than erich ponti.
August 08, 1:28 PM CDT
Campaign has nearly $280,000 cash-on-hand
Baton Rouge - Small business owner and State Representative, Erich Ponti (R), will seek the District 2 seat on the Public Service Commission this November. Current Commissioner, Jimmy Field, has announced that he will not seek another term. Ponti, a general contractor with nearly twenty years experience of building a construction business and creating jobs, sees the Public Service Commission as a place where his conservative principles can serve ratepayers and help strengthen our economy.
"Louisiana is the hub of energy production in the U.S. As your Commissioner, I will make sure that the utilities are capitalizing on our state's resources to the benefit of Louisiana consumers and businesses," Ponti said.
In 2007, Ponti entered a crowded field of candidates for a seat in the State House representing a district in southeastern Baton Rouge. With shoe leather and a commitment to represent his constituents with honesty, integrity and accessibility, Erich won the seat. As one of two freshmen to be named to a committee leadership position in his first term, he worked to reduce taxes, balance the state budget and pass ethics reform legislation. Four years later, Representative Ponti was unopposed for re-election and would be tapped to lead the House Commerce Committee.
"I entered public service to help build a better Louisiana, one where our tax dollars are not wasted but invested in our families, our economy and long-term prosperity. We have turned the corner, but work remains to be done. One of my top priorities on the Public Service Commission will be to require utilities to bring the transmission grid into the 21st century. This step will lower the cost of power to users, ensure long-term reliability and expedite the restoration of power after damaging storms and hurricanes."
Ponti will file his latest campaign finance report showing approximately $280,000 cash on hand. Ponti has raised close to $170,000 of that total since entering the race for Public Service Commission in early June. The report includes contributors from all corners of the district and demonstrates the wide base of support necessary for victory. "From Baton Rouge, down the bayou to Houma and Thibodaux and over to Lafayette, our campaign is gaining momentum, and I've been humbled by the donations and encouraging words of those I've met," Ponti said.
Ponti is a graduate of Catholic High School in Baton Rouge. He earned a bachelor's degree in Construction Management from Northeast Louisiana University (now ULM). After returning to Baton Rouge, Erich started Accent Construction Services, Inc., a successful general contracting and development firm. It was through his profession that he first became involved in the political process. As a member of the Louisiana Homebuilders' Association, Ponti served in numerous leadership positions including President in 2007.
Erich is a proud father and grandfather. When he is not at a construction site, he enjoys spending quality time with his grandchildren, fishing or attending their little league games.
About Public Service Commission: District 2 Public Service Commission District 2 encompasses all or parts of 13 parishes from the Baton Rouge area down to Houma/Thibodaux and west to Lafayette. For more information about the Public Service Commission, the district or the campaign, please visit www.ErichPonti.com
http://www.thedeadpelican.com for updates
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thomas & martha antoon along with several local realtors sued for failure to disclose defects in alexandria, la., garden district home
it's just our opinion -- of coz, but it seems that besides being so old, that a lot of homes in alexandria, la.'s, so called, garden district -- have a lot of problems.
if you're seriously considering buying one, you should also consider bringing in your own experts and inspectors, preferably from out of town and especially when you're dealing with an old patrician family, what, with their network of useful idiots and surrogates and all -- because the odds are that they are working together to benefit each other and not you.
the petition of robert campbell paul concerning a purchase in 2011 of immovable property located at 2420 vance avenue, styled, "suit for reduction in purchase price and damages;" is filed on his behalf by fred a. pharis, esq., of the pharis law offices;
made defendants besides thomas a. antoon and martha gravel antoon include: buelow-miller real estate, inc., janet rand whittle, louisiana lagniappe realty, llc and elaine fuqua setliff;
allotted to judge george c. metoyer, jr., of the ninth judicial district court.

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07 August 2012
and the thunder rolls ...

the clip below was taken at dusk on sunday, 05 august 2012 of one of many thunderstorms in the area.
in it we were fortunate enough to catch mjölnir -- twice at :15 and 1:33.
the perspective is facing westerly [278 magnetic].
intellicast -- data from alexandria international airport reporting station
kalb.com sky tracker radar
kalb.com weather alerts
kalb weather line telephone: 318.442.1110
gannett/the alexandria daily town talk local news
Issued by the National Weather Service
updated about every two minutes.
Weather Observations from Esler Field ~ Updated Hourly
Weather Observations from Alexandria International Airport ~ Updated Hourly
National Weather Service: Louisiana State Information
Dial 511 for DOTD Road Updates
Louisiana. State Police
Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office
Non-Emergency Number ~ Main Office - 473-6700
Boyce Substation - 793-8157
Ward 11 - Substation - 466-3231
Glenmora Substation - 748-4226
South Substation - 449-5482
Tioga Substation - 640-1696
05 August 2012
the sinkhole that ate louisiana
UPDATE: official assumption parish police jury bayou corne sinkhole blog
see also
sinkhole leads to evacuations
emergency declared, 100+ homes evacuated as louisiana mining sinkhole grows
google news
bayou corne sinkhole
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02 August 2012
klax: apd takes down major burgle & robbery crime gang
great news! now if they would just go after with such zeal the white collar criminals and their elite organized crime gangs, corrupt and treasonous: elected officials, governmental officials, cops, lawyers and judges they just might succeed in taking a bite out of crime.
01 August 2012
breaking: fred rosenfeld: michael jenkins has signed a purchase agreement for the hotel bentley
deal just announced on ksyl is set to close 31 august 2012. includes 28 condos in the seven story tower ...tower is to be gutted and completely redone ... hotel to consist of 96 rooms ... also includes a moderately priced restaurant and a lounge ... meeting rooms ... condos are from 150k + and should be ready to market shortly after the first of the new year ...
ksyl talk back live pre-show hotel bentley announcement
click here for audio download page
"the loss of a teardrop diamond" hotel bentley scene filmed in 2007.