Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
Fone WST... +1318.717.9017 Twitter:@wesawthat “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Trump: Impeach Judge in Deportations Case
Donald Trump has called for the impeachment of the judge handling lawsuits
over his administration's deportation of suspected Venezuelan gang members,
a si...
Two German Speed Cameras Knocked Out
[image: Burned speed camera]By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
In Ulm, Germany, vigilantes spraypainted the speed camera operating in the
Seewiesenbrucke on ...
Abdur Biswas (Sep 1, 1926 - Nov 3, 2017)
Bangladeshi Statesman. He served as the 11th President of Bangladesh from
October 10, 1991 to October 9, 1996. He was educated at Dhaka University
where he...
Thank You.
I've never been much of a writer (let alone one of my father's caliber),
but I know that I must express my thanks to you all somehow.
The support that we h...
kalb-tv ace reporter and wst...fave, john-thomas kobos takes us out to boyce, louisiana to the site of the storied hot wells resort.
according to mr. kobos report: hot wells was "discovered by an oil worker in the early nineteen hundreds the healing properties of its waters were rumored to cure all problems." so a health resort was opened. it featured a "top of the line" hotel, a restaurant and a bathouse.
dr. john naponick said that the "natural hot salt water from the ground below [and] it has the exactly the same composition as the gulf of mexico."
so, sounds good so far right? well, unfortunately you wont be able to take a soak in the healing mineral waters at hot wells anytime soon because -- the point of mr. kobos report is to cover the demolition of hot wells resort and spa.
now we dont know if there is anything to these so called "healing mineral waters" it could all be a myth for all we know. although, we have always credited the glenwood springs, colorado hot mineral springs pool for healing our little um acne problem but that could have just been a coincidence we dont know. we do know that there is a significant portion of people around the region that do believe in the healing properties of the mineral water at hot wells and in the past they flocked to hot wells.
louisiana is chock full of sick people, although it doesnt get much media play anymore perhaps you have heard of "cancer alley." louisiana is also full of mentally ill people and those we elect to the state legislature -- in the 2006 regular legislative session house bill no.2 (see alsoHB2 - 2006 Regular Session (Act 27) a/k/a/ the capital outlay budget contained an estimated state budget of $3.7 billion [2.8 billion eur]. it shows just how upside-down and backward this state is when you peruse it you will notice millions squandered on such things as the state reservoir scam. then on page 29 of hb2 the state allocates $550,000 [418,719eur] for hot wells "demolition and site cleanup."
"The mission of the Department of Health and Hospitals is to protect and promote health and to ensure access to medical, preventive, and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana."
now will someone please explain to us how demolishing and making fallow hot wells is fulfilling that mission? because it appears to us to be a direct conflict with said mission. or, (more likely) is the dhh mission just some flowery words published to a website or printed on a piece of paper, put there for public consumption and because they look and sound nice while they actually are meaningless?
in a perfect world or even a world that made sense dhh would be the perfect institution to operate and manage hot wells. they would be working with the medical departments of our state colleges and universities unlocking the secrets of and developing techniques for hot mineral water therapies.
we're not big fans of government owning or operating or even funding (other than tax abatements and tax breaks etc) that which should be in the private sector. however, since the state already owns hot wells and has for years everyone in louisiana that is ill or has an ill family member or anyone thats interested in natural healing should be contacting their senator and representative demanding that the state redevelop and reopen hot wells.
isnt it a sin to be in possession of something that could benefit all humanity and not make it available?
If you're a nature lover looking for a natural cure from the Earth to heal ailments, years ago you would have traveled to Hot Wells resort in Boyce, LA. News Channel 5's John-Thomas Kobos traveled to the resort to see why demolition crews have done away with its natural healing powers.
Explaining Jessie Hoffman
People still say, ‘That’s not the Jessie I knew.’ But most didn’t what he
endured at home – and that’s likely what drove him on that day,
psychiatrists ...
"State of the Union causes State of Confusion"
The state of this fragile American union is not good. It's not good because
the leader is intentionally trying to divide us and destroy it. I am not
Police Jury meets Tuesday
The Lincoln Parish Police Jury will meet Tuesday, June 13, Lincoln Parish
Court House, 100 West Texas, third floor. Here are the meeting times and
Electoral Deter-men-hers
Virgotex summarized the matrix of root voting impulses for Dems in 2020:
Democratic voters don't want "another" white male. They want a female
Welcome to the Alexandria Postcard Collection
Postcards are an important medium in telling stories of the past. They are
historical masterpieces, showing life at points in time.
Greetings from Alexandr...
Rain Update, 1:10 p.m.
Our OEP Director has been asked about the effect the rain from folks who
were concerned about it over topping. The pic below was taken today and
show 6-7″ ...
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
some guy on a bicycle was allegedly looking at children through binoculars
across the street from the k...
Saying goodbye to our Old House
I never thought this day would come. We had to say goodbye to the “Big
House”, the old house, the Hynson-Ringgold house (and many other names)….
We were tr...
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
oath of office and speech + more.
From: wesawthat1
Views: 748
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Time: 57:56 More in News & Politics
Part 2: Working in the Flesh
Description www.eaec.org
www.facebook.com/EuropeanAmericanEvangelisticCrusades Welcome to
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group ...
Doug Wilson’s Obfuscation on the Post-War Consensus
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A Racist Christian Prayer for Israel's War on Gaza
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The Real Origins of Neocons
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by Joachim Martillo (ThorsProvoni@aol.com)
Philip Weiss reviews *They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons, ...
Our Future Looks Glorious…if We Repent
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Last Days Lunacy and End Times Madness
Podcast: LAST DAYS LUNACY and END TIMES MADNESS (The following commentary
is a reprint of the chapter Bible Basics 101: Last Days/End Times and The
Second ...