05 December 2010
city of alexandria, la. website hacked ... again
the gannett/the town talk repeater, bret h. mccormick, repeated today via his "city notebook" column thatCITY WEBSITE HACKED AGAIN
For at least the second time in less than three months, a link on the home page of the city of Alexandria's website has been hacked.
In September, a link to the city's Sugarhouse Road extension project was hacked.
Now, it's a link to information about the now-settled city's lawsuit involving Cleco Corp.
The link -- www.cityofalexandriala.com/ClecoCity/ -- has been accessed by a hacker who goes by the handle TW!$T3R.
It now features a headline that reads "N3w Own3r" with a picture of the back of a young child and the words "YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!" ~ source
link to audio download page

link to audio download page
one thing that mr. mccormick didnt bother to repeat, is that the hacker also installed on that page, an audio file which appears to be hosted from oz by the website hosting company cyanidehosting.com.
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