31 March 2011
rapides parish registrar of voters joanell wilson takes exception to a "blog"
noted and quoted from the minutes of the 11 october 2010 rapides parish police jury, page 4:Ms. Joanell Wilson, Registrar of Voters, took exception to a recent internet "blog" and assured the Police Jury that Statewide measures did not allow dead people or people who are in a coma to vote. She distributed a packet of information to the Police Jury for their review.
(note to registrar wilson: what you're probably referring to is a recent internet blog post; for example wst... is a blog and "registrar of voters joanell wilson takes exception to a 'blog'" -- is a blog post --
also; more importantly: we believe that your time and resources would be better spent by speaking out against and educating against electronic voting machines.)
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30 March 2011
alexandrian gets $4,700 utility bill
WOWZERS!!!!!!!!! Imagine my shock when I am told I have a $4,700.00 utility bill!!!!!!!!!LOL
1st annual vintage & antique market 2011
via: press release
the first annual vintage & antique market will be held on friday 08 april 2011 from 10 am - 7 pm and saturday 09 april from 10 am - 5 pm at the rapides parish exhibition building, 5600 coliseum boulevard, {highway 28 west), alexandria, louisiana.[map] and www.therapidesparishcoliseum.com.
in addition to many dealers selling their wares, genius antiques will be there and a portion of their profits will be donated to the louisiana history museum. the louisiana history museum will be selling local history dvd's along with dale genius' book. "what once was" a postcard history of alexandria, louisiana.
for more information and dealers contact:new era promotions
glass and antique restoration will be available at this event.
hutchinson, kansas 67504-0306
316.841.0742 - telephone
iran today: the case of the three american hikers
link to video watch/download page
press tv's "iran today" program's treatment of the three american hikers, shane bauer, sarah shourd and josh fattal. they were arrested on 31 july 2009 on iranian territory near the mountains of northern iraq's kurdistan area and charged with espionage.
sarah shourd was released from custody on 14 september 2010 in what iran claims was a "humanitarian gesture in line with islamic principals," relative to the end of ramadan.
iran today was granted "exclusive, unprecedented" access to film the closed door court case. the first (and so far only) hearing before the iran's revolutionary court was held on sunday, 06 february 2011.
29 March 2011
la republican party "caroline fayard hates me" bumper stickers

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rickey lee lewis jr acquitted of domestic abuse
the guy who screwed up our jury duty post was found not guilty by a rapides parish criminal jury, friday, 25 march 2011, after around ninety minutes of deliberation following a three day trial the gannett/the town talk reports.
new orleans health fair
via: press release neighborhoods partnership network

saturday 02 april 2011
9am - 3 pm
kingsley house, 1600 constance street, new orleans, louisiana [map]
phone: 504.523.6221
28 March 2011
we snatched this off of rense.com; we find it slightly humorous or ominous. one or the other.
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revolutionary politics
faux news alert
low level radiation detected in rain samples in 12 states - but everything's fine
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louisiana college president joe aguillard has heart attack
wst... has learned that louisiana college president dr. joe aguillard had a heart attack this morning.
sources tell wst... that he may have to undergo surgery later but that doctors did put a stent in.
UPDATE 12:27 pm cdt [wst... note l.c.'s news release is dated 27 march 2011]
Dr. Aguillard taken to hospital
March 27th, 2011
This is to let our LC Community know that early this morning Dr. Aguillard was taken to the hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack.
Doctors are running tests to determine the best course of treatment for him. As of yet, there is no official word from his cardiologist.
We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. Please keep the Aguillard family in your prayers. ~ source louisiana college website

UPDATE: 1:24 pm cdt gannett/the town talk la. college president joe aguillard suffers heart attack
huey long's phallus

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willie nelson's texas prosecutor wants to see marijuana decriminalized
via: twitter @rawstory
hudspeth county, texas prosecutor c.r. "kit" bramblett told the raw story in an exclusive interview "that he wishes authorities could just drop the criminal penalties for pot altogether and make getting busted more like getting a parking ticket."
nelson, bramblett insisted, was not getting a better deal than anyone else. "i usually recommend a fee, if they plead guilty," he said. "a fee and court costs, which they can just mail in."
however, county judge becky dean walker wont accept a misdemeanor plea-by-mail -- because she wants to meet nelson. ~ read more
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genesis chapter 1 verses 11 - 13 kjv
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.
And the evening and the morning were the third day.
27 March 2011
"the law" claude frederic bastiat
click here to download 107 page .pdf [342 kb]
Walter E. WilliamsWalter E. Williams is the Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
I must have been forty years old before reading Frederic Bastiat’s classic The Law. An anonymous person, to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy.
After reading the book I was convinced that a liberal-arts education without an encounter with Bastiat is incomplete.
Reading Bastiat made me keenly aware of all the time wasted, along with the frustrations of going down one blind alley after another, organizing my philosophy of life. The Law did not produce a philosophical conversion for me as much as it created order in my thinking about liberty and just human conduct.
Many philosophers have made important contributions to the discourse on liberty, Bastiat among them. But Bastiat’s greatest contribution is that he took the discourse out of the ivory tower and made ideas on liberty so clear that even the unlettered can understand them and statists cannot obfuscate them.
Clarity is crucial to persuading our fellowman of the moral superiority of personal liberty. Like others, Bastiat recognized that the greatest single threat to liberty is government.
Notice the clarity he employs to help us identify and understand evil government acts such as legalized plunder. Bastiat says, “See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.”
With such an accurate description of legalized plunder, we cannot deny the conclusion that most government activities, including ours, are legalized plunder, or for the sake of modernity, legalized theft.
Frederic Bastiat could have easily been a fellow traveler of the signers of our Declaration of Independence. The signers’ vision of liberty and the proper role of government was captured in the immortal words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men. . . .” Bastiat echoes the identical vision, saying, “Life, faculties, production—in other words individuality, liberty, property— that is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it.”
Bastiat gave the same rationale for government as did our Founders, saying, “Life, liberty and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it is the fact that life, liberty and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” No finer statements of natural or God-given rights have been made than those found in our Declaration of Independence and The Law.
Bastiat pinned his hopes for liberty on the United States saying, “ . . . look at the United States. There is no country in the world where the law is kept more within its proper domain: the protection of every person’s liberty and property.
As a consequence of this, there appears to be no country in the world where the social order rests on a firmer foundation.” Writing in 1850, Bastiat noted two areas where the United States fell short: “Slavery is a violation, by law, of liberty. The protective tariff is a violation, by law, of property.” If Bastiat were alive today, he would be disappointed with our failure to keep the law within its proper domain.
Over the course of a century and a half, we have created more than 50,000 laws. Most of them permit the state to initiate violence against those who have not initiated violence against others.
These laws range from anti-smoking laws for private establishments and Social Security “contributions” to licensure laws and minimum wage laws.
In each case, the person who resolutely demands and defends his God-given right to be left alone can ultimately suffer death at the hands of our government.
Bastiat explains the call for laws that restrict peaceable, voluntary exchange and punish the desire to be left alone by saying that socialists want to play God.
Socialists look upon people as raw material to be formed into social combinations. To them—the elite—“the relationship between persons and the legislator appears to be the same as the relationship between the clay and the potter.”
And for people who have this vision, Bastiat displays the only anger I find in The Law when he lashes out at do-gooders and would-be rulers of mankind, “Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don’t you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough.”
Bastiat was an optimist who thought that eloquent arguments in defense of liberty might save the day; but history is not on his side.
Mankind’s history is one of systematic, arbitrary abuse and control by the elite acting privately, through the church, but mostly through government. It is a tragic history where hundreds of millions of unfortunate souls have been slaughtered, mostly by their own government.
A historian writing 200 or 300 years from now might view the liberties that existed for a tiny portion of mankind’s population, mostly in the Western world, for only a tiny portion of its history, the last century or two, as a historical curiosity that defies explanation.
That historian might also observe that the curiosity was only a temporary phenomenon and mankind reverted back to the traditional state of affairs—arbitrary control and abuse. Hopefully, history will prove that pessimistic assessment false.
The worldwide collapse of the respectability of the ideas of socialism and communism suggests that there is a glimmer of hope.
Another hopeful sign is the technological innovations that make it more difficult for government to gain information on its citizens and control them.
Innovations such as information access, communication, and electronic monetary transactions will make government attempts at control more costly and less probable.
These technological innovations will increasingly make it possible for world citizens to communicate and exchange with one another without government knowledge, sanction, or permission.
Collapse of communism and technological innovations, accompanied by robust free-market organizations promoting Bastiat’s ideas, are the most optimistic things I can say about the future of liberty in the United States. Americans share an awesome burden and moral responsibility.
If liberty dies in the United States, it is destined to die everywhere. A greater familiarity with Bastiat’s clear ideas about liberty would be an important step in rekindling respect and love, and allowing the resuscitation of the spirit of liberty among our fellow Americans.
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25 March 2011
bryan adams
* several of these have embedding turned off so you'll have to watch them from the playlist or on youtube.
"kids wanna rock/summer of '69"
live aid 1985
jfk stadium philadelphia, pennsylvania
introduction by jack nicholson
for a couple of bucks you get a weird haircut and waste your life away ... sometimes when i pick my ol six-string, think about you wonder what went wrong ...
"cuts like a knife"
live aid
there's times i've been mistaken, there's times i've thought i've been misunderstood, oh yeah, so wait a minute darlin' cant you see we've did the best we could
"straight from the heart"
live acoustic undated
what'd ya say?
"this time"
music video
i thought of every word i'd say ... give or take a few
live music video
and the winners are losers i see it every night
"run to you"
music video
yeah now
bryan adams unplugged
live acoustic
i'm finding it hard to believe we're in heaven
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least favorite part of spring/summer
24 March 2011
a[nother] gay republican is running for president
via: perez hilton
excerpt:Even though some people might not agree with the political party Fred Karger's a part of, he completely has the right to stand there with them and put his name in the hat for President, whether or not he's gay! ~ read more
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anti zionist jews celebrate purim by burning israeli flag

20 march 2011
iranian mission
new york city, new york
As a custom in many Anti Zionist community's world wide, the Israeli flag is being burned on the Jewish holiday of Purim, as a demonstration of opposition the philosophy of Zionism and the State of Israel.
This demonstration took place outside the Iranian Mission in New York City.
Similar Demonstrations took place in
Brooklyn, NY
Monsey NY
learn more about zionism:
eric hufschmid
jews united against zionism
neturei karta international: orthodox jews united against zionism
learn about the ashkenazi / khazar "jewish" imposters
khazar "jews" are gog and magog ezekiel chapter 38
jesus christ
revelation chapter two verse nine
revelation chapter three verse nine
the thirteenth tribe
by arthur koestler
facts are facts: the truth about khazars
by ex-zionist benjamin h. freedman née freidman
benjamin h. freedman
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1974 speech
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zionists stole the true name of the jewish people
rabbi chaim lefkowitz
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jack bernstein
my farewell to israel the thorn in the mideast
23 March 2011
ars technica: "copyright troll righthaven achieves spectacular 'fair use' loss"
ars technica (latin for "the art of technology,") is a fascinating website. they "specialize in original news and reviews, analysis of technology trends, and expert advice on topics ranging from the most fundamental aspects of technology to the many ways technology is helping us enjoy our world."
they "work for the reader who not only needs to keep up on technology, but is passionate about it."
we wish that we could train ourselves into the habit of visiting it more often and it was through google news last night that we stumbled across the below article.
<-------- we did manage to think to add their site rss feed.
it immediately reminded us of our post from saint patrick's day "baptist message: louisiana college responds to gannett/the town talk's 20 february 2011 aramark facilities study report," which you will have to read or at least the gmail conversation at the top of the post between wst... and the baptist message editor, kelly boggs to see where we're coming from here.
Whoops—in its bid to sue hundreds of bloggers, commentors, and website operators from posting even a few sentences from newspaper stories, the copyright zealots at Righthaven have just scored an own goal. Last Friday, a federal judge ruled in one of the company's many lawsuits, saying that even the complete republication of copyrighted newspaper content can be "fair use."
Righthaven has achieved national notoriety for its business model, which involves scouring the Web—including tiny blogs and nonprofits—for Las Vegas Review Journal and other newspaper stories. When it finds a match, Righthaven licenses the copyright from the cooperating newspaper and sues the article poster without warning for statutory damages of up to $150,000. In addition, it routinely demands that the poster's domain name be transferred to Righthaven.
The company's most controversial cases have involved posters who only used a small percentage of the original article, or instances where Righthaven sued the very sources who had provided the basic information for an article, then posted the result to their own website. But Righthaven has also gone after many sites that posted the complete text of a newspaper article, something far less likely to be seen as fair use.
That was the case with the Oregon-based Center for Intercultural Organizing (CIO), which Righthaven sued in August 2010 after the group posted a Review-Journal newspaper article on the deportation of illegal immigrants on its own website. The case must have seemed like a good fit for Righthaven; it had found someone taking the entire article! Defense lawyers contented themselves with arguing that the case should be heard in Nevada, and it didn't even bother to contest the issue on fair use grounds.
But federal judges have tremendous power over their cases, and on November 15, 2010, federal judge James Mahan on his own initiative issued a terse order. "The court hereby orders the plaintiff to show cause why this case should not be dismissed under the 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use exception," he wrote.
At a hearing last week, the judge decided that CIO's use of the full article text was, in fact, a fair use under the "four-factor test" enshrined in law.
Steve Green, a reporter at the competing Las Vegas Sun newspaper, attended the hearing. Judge Mahan told both sides that the purpose of copyright law was to encourage creativity and to disseminate public access to information, so long as that did not unfairly hinder the market for the original story. In this case, Mahan said that the tiny Oregon nonprofit had essentially zero overlap between the readers of its website and the readers of the Review-Journal. In addition, the effect on the "market" for the work is unclear, since Righthaven is solely using the copyright to prosecute a lawsuit, not to defend its news operations (it has none).
The reposted article also fit within CIO's nonprofit educational mission, and the judge said that it was largely informational in nature, rather than creative.
The judge also blasted Righthaven for not notifying groups like CIO before filing a federal lawsuit; most would no doubt remove or limit the offending material if notified by the copyright holder.
As Green noted in a follow-up piece, the result here is almost comical: Righthaven goes to war in the name of tough copyright enforcement and winds up with a ruling that complete republication by some nonprofits falls under the scope of fair use. "Some 250 Righthaven lawsuits later, Righthaven's startling achievement is that newspapers now have less—not more—protection from copyright infringers," Green concluded.
The ruling isn't as "out there" as it might initially sound; courts have long recognized various complete reuses as "fair." As lawyer Jason Schultz pointed out in an amicus brief to the court, this was true even of the famous Sony decision that legalized the VCR in America; complete shows could be copied and it was "fair."
The Electronic Frontier Foundation rejoiced at the "persuasive precedent" the case will set, though Righthaven told the judge it would appeal.
This isn't the first time that a judge has found a fair use in a Righthaven lawsuit, though the previous decision involved only a section of an article rather than the entire piece.
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22 March 2011
gannett/the town talks wants alexandrians to phone council president roosevelt johnson
fascinating editorial in today's gannett/the town talk. the editorial board urges alexandrians to phone up city council president roosevelt johnson at 318.448.3177 "to advise the council president to read the law and make sure he understands it."
mmmkay easier said than done. that's not just an off-hand comment either. back in 2007 -'08 when we were closely following city administration as well as council goings-on we discovered that "rojo" as he's called, is just a puppet. he ought to change his nickname to ro-jo-bo-jangles'.
anyway, alexcenla isnt very impressed with the whole lot, see alexandria mayor at one of his briefings/alexandria city council following his actions.
save our louisiana college website relaunches
a commenter has just alerted us to the relaunch of the save our lc website.
UPDATED: 9:30 am cdt sunday 27 march 2011: someone has registered the domain name www.saveourlc.org which redirects to the above website/blog.
see also
the louisiana college label
in the footer of this post
new reason for removal of col. gaddafi: he spoke of israel's involvement in the jfk assassination
someone found this video which was added to youtube on 20 july 2010 in which in a part of his 11 june 2008 speech, col. gaddafi speaks to the israeli involvement in the jfk assassination and are speculating that this is the real reason that gaddafi must go.
speculation of the israeli involvement in the kennedy assassination is nothing new. col. gaddafi also mentioned it in his 23 september 2009 address to the united nations.
this meme might have had some credibility if it wasnt already reported that col. gaddafi himself is a jew.
the likely reason for the military strikes on libya is to weaken or take out the revolutionaries in order to allow gaddafi to remain in power or to buy time in case he is "killed" or forced to flee the country until a new israeli puppet can be selected to run libya.
far more interesting is col. gaddafi's remarks about president obama such as "along came a black citizen of kenyan african origins, a muslim, who had studied in an islamic school in indonesia. his name is obama and the people in the arabic and islamic world and in africa applauded this man.
col. gaddafi seems to be attempting to reinforce the belief that president obama was born in africa and that he is a muslim. this is just another stupid trick.
they welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success, and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the american presidency.
but we were taken by surprise when our african, kenyan brother, who is an american national made statements that shocked all his supporters in the arab world."
by now, common sense and even mediocre powers of observation should lead anyone to conclude that president obama is not a muslim (that's not to say that he is a christian either) and that anyone who is promoting that belief is either a liar or a paid agent
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video footage: death of polar bear knut
UPDATE: friday 01 april 2011: knut the polar bear drowned after suffering brain disorderTwo weeks after the death of Knut the polar bear, investigators have determined the cause of the four-year-old's untimely demise.
According to the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Knut suffered from a brain inflammation and muscle spasms that caused him to fall from his perch and drown in the enclosure's pool.
Claudia Szentik, pathologist with the IZW, said that the inflammation in Knut's brain was so massive that "he would have died sooner or later." ~ read more
UPDATE: saturday 26 march 2011 knut the polar bear died of epilepsy, autopsy shows
after a little bit of looking around online we were saddened to learn that he had unexpectedly dropped dead in his compound in the berlin zoo.
''Everyone is just in shock here,'' said Claudia Bienek, a spokeswoman for Berlin Zoo where Knut shot to global fame as a photogenic snow-white cub rejected by his mother and reared by hand.
Knut, pulled dead from a pool in his enclosure he shared with three females on Saturday afternoon, was just four years old, well below the average life expectancy for polar bears of around 35. ~ read more
21 March 2011
ron paul wins another republican straw poll
via: twitter @rawstory
well out of this crew who else was there to vote for? (wonder why the huckster wasnt included?)
results:ron paul 18%
flip romney 10.9%
sarah "nalin'" palin 7.9%
newt's a hoot gingrich 6.9%The informal survey was conducted by the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus of California (RLCCA). ~ read more
see also
eric hufschmid
what is ron paul's true goal? [2007]
summer is nigh

20 March 2011
pentagon briefing on military operations over libya
link to video watch/download page
briefing begins at 4:25 into the video.
press tv joined in progress around 3:04 pm cdt the pentagon briefing by vice admiral william e. "bill" gortney director, joint staff.
vadm gortney said that coalition forces eventually launched 124 tomahawk cruise missiles from submarines and ships in the mediterranean into libya.
this has significantly weakened the gaddafi regimes air defenses. coalition forces have been hitting pro gaddafi forces on the outskirts of benghazi the second largest city in the country and the seat of the revolutionaries.
the united states is militarily in the lead but is working towards giving the command to a coalition command but he didnt mention who will be in that command or when or how they would make that transition.
he said that the coalition had the capability to control libya's airspace but that they were not going after gaddafi personally. however, there are reports coming in that there have been plumes of smoke seen near gaddafi's residence.
UPDATE: report: airstrike has destroyed the building of gaddafi residence
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19 March 2011
super moon rises over rapides parish, louisiana
the super moon, rises over rapides parish, louisiana. the march full moon is known as the worm moon and lots of other interesting names.
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flashback: rev ameal jones sr new president of the central louisiana chapter of the naacp
everythingcenla.com has a video interview with rev. ameal jones, sr., pastor of the alexandria, louisiana, mt. zion missionary baptist church and who recently was installed as the president of the local naacp chapter.
rev. jones cites the usual reasons of the need for the naacp in cenla to make a comeback but doesnt offer any proof. but thats ok, because we say forget the naacp anyway -- what we need to do is bring back the deacons for defense and justice.
other officers, for now, include alexandria attorney tiffany sanders, sec'y and brussel rosenthal (phonetic) treasurer.
regular membership is $30.00 per year. meetings are held every second tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at mt. zion missionary baptist church.
sec'y of state hillary clinton paris news conference on libya & u.n. resolution 1973 (2011)
link to video watch/download page
UPDATE: transcript from the state department website here.
press tv joined in progress at 5:28 pm paris, france time, 11:28 am cdt
sec'y clinton says that the position of the united states is to support an international coalition as it takes all necessary measures to enforce the terms of resolution 1973.
she reiterated president obama's statement that the united states will not deploy ground troops -- "but there should be no mistaking [the united states] commitment to this effort."
read the full text of united nations security council resolution 1973 (2011) from the united nations website here.
17 March 2011
baptist message: louisiana college responds to gannett/the town talk's 20 february 2011 aramark facilities study report
UPDATED 7:58 am cdt friday 18 march 2011
UPDATE: 8:50 am cdt friday 18 march 2011
UPDATE: 9:06 am cdt friday 18 march 2011
UPDATE: 9:31 am cdt friday 18 march 2011
UPDATE 11:11 am cdt friday 18 march 2011
UPDATE 8:47 am cdt wednesday 23 march 2011ars technica: "copyright troll righthaven achieves spectacular 'fair use' loss"
now here is an interesting and apparently ongoing email exchange we have been having with kelly boggs, editor of the [louisiana] baptist message:
from Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
to wesawthat@gmail.com
date Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 9:47 PM
subject Baptist Message article
I was alerted to the fact that you had posted a scan of a recent Baptist Message article on your website. I visited your site and found the information was accurate. Since you have posted the article without permission from the Baptist Message you are in violation of copyright law. Please remove the scan immediately.
Thank you for you cooperation.
Kelly Boggs, Editor
Baptist Message
From: wesawthat@gmail.com
To: "Kelly Boggs" Kelly@baptistmessage.com
Subject: Re: Baptist Message article
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 21:21:57 -0500
thank you for your email. the scans in question are posted under including but not limited to 17 usc section 107 of the copyright law limitations on exclusive rights: fair use. the scans in question are offered "for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright."
thanks again for your email.
from Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
to wesawthat@gmail.com
date Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 9:41 PM
subject Re: Baptist Message article
Sorry, your interpretation is incorrect. I've dealt with this very issue before.
I really don't want to get our lawyer involved in this issue, but if the scan is not removed, you will leave me no recourse.
Please remove the unauthorized, copyrighted scans of the Baptist Message article from your website.
Kelly Boggs, Editor
Baptist Message
Sent from Kelly's iPhone
from Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
to wesawthat@gmail.com
date Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 9:44 PM
subject Re: Baptist Message article
By the way, using "portions" or "excerpts" falls under fair use, not entire works - for any reason or in any setting.
Sent from Kelly's iPhone
from wesawthat@gmail.com
reply-to wesawthat@gmail.com
to Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
date Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:58 PM
subject Re: Baptist Message article
hi there. that might be true under los angeles times vs free republic however in that case free republic was reproducing thousands of the times news articles.
even if you file suit you will have to use those scans in the suit and/or i can use the scans as an exhibit as well and guess what - court filings are protected under fair use:see shell vs devries and also religious technology center vs wollersheim and jaartech vs clancy for a few examples.
from Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
to wesawthat@gmail.com
date Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 5:33 AM
subject Re: Baptist Message article
I never said anything about filing suit against you. I'm quite sure Google has a much better understanding of copyright law than you do.
I have been more than patient. I'll ask one more time. Please remove the copyrighted images of the Baptist Message from your blog.
Kelly Boggs, Editor
Baptist Message
Sent from Kelly's iPhone
from wesawthat@gmail.com
to Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
date Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 7:30 AM
subject Re: Baptist Message article
hi agaiin. please explain with specificity where in the copyright law those scans are in violation of;
also ive looked all through the baptist message publication -- page 2 down at the bottom for example and nowhere do i see a statement saying that anything in the baptist message is copyrighted. i dont see a copyright notice on any other page either nor do i see a copyright symbol anywhere within the baptist message whatsoever. i have bad eyesight so its entirely possible that ive missed it please direct me to that copyright statement etc;
if you contact google and have those scans or my blog or account harmed in any way without cause then you are opening yourself up to being sued by me.
thanks again for your email
from Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
to wesawthat@gmail.com
date Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:36 AM
subject RE: Baptist Message article
Your response reveals that you have no understanding of the finer points of copyright law.
If Google takes any action, you will need to take that up with Google. Google owns the site and will determine whether or not terms of their contract have been violated. All anyone can do is alert Google to possible violations. Google’s legal team will be the final arbiter.
Kelly Boggs, Editor
Baptist Message
Alexandria, Louisiana
(318) 442-7728
from wesawthat@gmail.com
to Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
date Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:06 AM
subject Re: Baptist Message article
hi again. so it seems that you're saying that you really dont believe that there is a copyright violation -- you just dont like that the scans were posted online so you're going to complain to google about it and let them figure it all out?
from Kelly Boggs Kelly@baptistmessage.com
to wesawthat@gmail.com
date Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:30 AM
subject RE: Baptist Message article
I have deadlines looming, so this is my last response.
I believe there is a clear-cut violation of copyright law. If I owned the site on which you operate, I would ask you to remove the scans. If you did not, I would terminate the blog. However, I do not own the site, Google does. As such, anyone can alert Google any time concerning an alleged copyright violation. It is then up to Google to act. Google’s action or inaction, then becomes a new set of circumstances.
Kelly Boggs, Editor
Baptist Message
Alexandria, Louisiana
(318) 442-7728
====an anonymous and kind person has sent us the scan all on one page -- click here to view/download from scribd
alternatively, you can click here to read it from the baptist message online!
the aramark study in question as well as gannett/the town talk's 20 february 2011 article are included below.