here governor blanco's friday, 08 december 2006 address to the joint session of the louisiana legislature. 5.9mb, 25:47 length -- note: for some reason, right now only about 1.9mb of this file will download. we dunno if the problem is with google or us but the file that will download to us is around 8:00 minutes long.
transcript here from www.thedeadpelican.com
video from louisiana public broadcasting -- www.lpb-latv.org
pastor jacob aranza of our saviour's church of lafayette and broussard gave us and the governor and the legislature a prayer sermon about solomon and the importance of asking god for wisdom instead of riches and your enemies head....
pastor jacob aranza the bible gives us an opportunity where there was even more money to be looked over than we goin look over during this session the wisest man that ever lived, would be his name, his father left him multiplied hundreds of billions of dollars before he decided he would do with that this was the prayer he prayed and on that night god appeared to solomon and said ask and whatever you ask i will give it to you and solomon said god you have shown great mercy to david my father and have made me king in his place and now oh lord god let the promise of david my father be established for you have made me a ruler over his people now give me wisdom and knowledge that i may go out and come in before this people for you can judge this great people only you and god said to solomon because this is what is in your heart and because you have not asked for personal riches or wealth or honor or life or the lives of your enemies but instead you have asked for wisdom i will grant you wisdom to rule my people wisdom and knowledge are granted to you and i will give you riches and wealth and honor such as never been seen by any king either before or after;
heavenly father...as we approach you concerning the resources you've entrusted to our broken, discouraged often disillusioned and disappointed state we cry out to you for mercy. we cry out to you for wisdom for every representative and every senator. lord our people are broken. lord our people have been discouraged and yet you have appointed these rulers over them and we ask you for supernatural wisdom, we cry out as solomon cried out and said "oh god give me wisdom that i might know how to rule and guide and direct your people" lord we humble ourselves before you not arrogant enough to think we know what to do on our own without your wisdom, your guidance and your strength. our state has been humbled. now we humble ourselves. give us a heart for the poor, help us to be for our public servants. give us wisdom concerning every issue. heavenly father, the task that face our state are too great for any man. therefore, we look to you, the only and all wise, loving and living god and we ask you for this with great honor and great humility knowing we are asking at the right source. give our governor wisdom. give each representative here divine, supernatural guidance. may we look beyond our own issues, to the issues that are dear and near your heart. in all of these things we ask in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen.
so far, the house of representatives has filed 121 bills to its website www.legis.state.la.us and the state senate has filed twenty-two.
follow the session with the louisiana legislature log: http://laleglog.blogspot.com/
more later...governor blanco's call

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