“The country is less safe”: CDC disease detective program gutted
CDC's Epidemic Intelligence Service is as critical to public health as it
is revered.
46 minutes ago
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“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
desert peace via whatreallyhappened
it was odd how so many people threw this guy under the bus when they thought he was a jew. we like the way that president ahmadinejad tells it like it is whether he is a jew or not.
if more muslims were like him and more jews were like rabbi weiss and there was no christian zionism the world would be a much better place.
in case you missed it, a couple of days ago the london daily telegraph had a big splash: "mahmoud ahmadinejad revealed to have jewish past."
Moreover, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's mother is a Seyyede. This is a title given to women whose family are believed to be direct bloodline descendants of Prophet Muhammad.but why was any of this news anyway. was this some kind of trick that backfired?
One has to be born into a Seyyed family: the title is never given to Muslims by birth, let alone converts. This makes it impossible for Ahmadinejad's mother to have been a Jew.