16 October 2010
jury duty
for a couple of days earlier this week, we had criminal jury duty at the ninth judicial district court in downtown alexandria, rapides parish, louisiana.
we had started on a post recounting our big adventure ... but, friday evening, gannett/the town talk reported from its website that "judge koch declares mistrial in domestic abuse case in rapides parish." click here to download town talk scan one page .pdf 196 kb.
while we werent on that particular jury, per se, we did witness its selection and a part of its voir dire.
gannett reported that the prosecutor in the case was monique metoyer. however, the assistant district attorney who handled the prosecutions voir dire portion was numa metoyer. the defense attorney was glenn cortello.
while we seriously doubt that any juror or witness, etc. would ever stumble across wst..., "out of an abundance of caution" (this some new lawyer words we learnt) we will wait until later to finish.
