it seems that back in 1967 rapides parish voters approved a one percent parish-wide sales tax. according to mayor roy "it allocates thirty-three percent of the one cent sales tax revenue to [the city of] alexandria, fifty percent goes to the rapides parish school board, i believe, nine percent goes to the [rapides parish police] jury and five percent goes to the city of pineville. there are other municipalities...townships and villages that share in those other percentages. they were actually listed in the call. at the time when the 1967 tax passed, ball was an unincorporated township so it did not share. five years after that, it incorporated and it started its - really battle to become one of the ones that share directly."
apparently, the sales tax is coming up for renewal this year and the rapides parish police juror from district "
a" john "buck" linecum, whose pushing the redistribution proposal, is...according to central la politics blog...a "
sock-puppet for crooked ball mayor, roy hebron" and seemingly in agreement, the gannett/town talk reporter, karina donica, writes today that police juror lincecum wants the voters to "vote on a redistribution of the proceeds from the 1-cent sales tax voters approved in 1967" and that "the town of ball especially stands to gain from a redistribution. the municipality was created after the 1967 tax was passed. if the proposal were to pass, the town would go from receiving nothing to receipts of more than $600,000, based on 2007 sales tax data."
sourceif this redistribution proposal comes to a vote, its highly likely that it would pass because it looks like its going to be sold to the voters that since alexandria is no longer the center of the universe around here with the amount of people that have moved out and into pineville and into the rural areas its only fair that more money go to them.
at the special alexandria city council meeting they did the "aw shux after all we do for them," routine pointing out that alexandria maintains the parish animal shelter, golf courses, alexandria provides water to the international paper mill on the north side of the river and the zoo and so forth. all valid arguments against redistribution.