Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
Fone WST... +1318.717.9017 Twitter:@wesawthat “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Over 60% of IRA Investments Now At Trump’s Mercy
It’s more than a week since President Donald Trump froze federal grants,
and the clean energy sector is beginning to feel the heat. Billions of
dollars in ...
Trump Dismisses US Archivist
U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday dismissed Colleen Shogan, the
Archivist of the United States ... The national archivist is responsible
for overseeing...
Masseur Busted For Sex Attack On Male Client
Florida spa patron "jumped up from the table” and called cops
FEBRUARY 8--A licensed massage therapist is locked up on $100,000 bond for
forcibly perform...
The Market Ticker - Jobs? Well, A Few
So sayeth the BLS...
Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 143,000 in January, and the
unemployment rate edged down to 4.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau o...
Fluoridation Fails New York City
In New York City, fluoridated since 1965, "more than one in three
third-grade students have untreated tooth decay...[and] one in four adults
ages 65 and ...
Abdur Biswas (Sep 1, 1926 - Nov 3, 2017)
Bangladeshi Statesman. He served as the 11th President of Bangladesh from
October 10, 1991 to October 9, 1996. He was educated at Dhaka University
where he...
Thank You.
I've never been much of a writer (let alone one of my father's caliber),
but I know that I must express my thanks to you all somehow.
The support that we h...
UPDATE: sunday 09 march 2008 9:47 am cst. well, looks like 14,848 republican voters in louisiana's 6th congressional district are dumber than woody jenkins. no surprise there. although the results are still unofficial our calculations indicate that mr. jenkins received 49.85% of the vote which would place him in a run-off with laurinda calogne.
in an interview recently posted to louisianaconservative.com (see link) congressional candidate woody jenkins repeats not once, not twice but three times that the usa patriot act has expired. the usa patriot act has not (although it should have) expired. in fact, in 2006 it was foolishly reauthorized by the house and the senate.
what candidate jenkins must be referring to is another misnamed act - the protect america act which expired on 15 february 2008. the louisianaconservative.com says that its interview with mr. jenkins was conducted on 16 february 2008 yet the protect america act didnt expire until the day before, so candidate jenkins hardly knows what hes talking about.
cbs news excerpt:
[C]ritics of the new bill accused Mr. Bush of "fear mongering," and of trying to deflect attention from the bill itself. Its most controversial provision would prevent Americans from suing phone companies that helped the administration spy on them since the White House surveillance program was instituted in 2001.
Mr. Bush has made immunity from civil prosecution for the telecoms a must-have element for revamping the nation’s surveillance laws, repeatedly saying he would veto any bill that does not exempt telecoms from lawsuits.
The battle lines are being dug in more deeply as House and Senate members prepare to meet in conference to match competing versions of the legislation, an update of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (or FISA).
The House-passed version does not include telecom immunity. This past week, the Senate approved a similar version which includes a provision that protects telecoms from civil lawsuits.
There are approximately 40 lawsuits now brought by citizens and consumer groups against companies that enabled the government to illegally eavesdrop on Americans' phone and Internet communications.
Opponents of the administration's program, which engaged wiretaps against any and all Americans without obtaining court-ordered warrants, say the telecoms' participation was illegal. They say that, given the Bush administration's penchant for secrecy, lawsuits against the telecoms are the only way to obtain disclosure about the facts from the government.
Information being sought includes details about the origins of the program. The administration admitted that the sweeping domestic surveillance originated in the wake of the September 11, 2001, attacks. However, declassified documents obtained by the National Security Archive and testimony that is part of these lawsuits suggest the National Security Agency program was put into place shortly after Mr. Bush was inaugurated, long before 9/11.
Mr. Bush claims that unless the telecoms received assurance that they will not be sued for breaking the law (and therefore be liable for damages), those companies will not agree to enact future wiretaps, therefore undercutting the government's intelligence capabilities:
"If these companies are subjected to lawsuits that could cost them billions of dollars, they won't participate; they won't help us; they won't help protect America." ~ read more
woody jenkins appears to be just another rethuglican fake christian sociopath, willing to help dismantle the constitution in favor of erecting a corporate police/surveillance state around americans while using the same old bushonian fear tactics to accomplish same. woody jenkins is too dumb and too dangerous to go to congress.
Is DEI the new N word?
These are crazy times, field hands. The felon is now fully in charge, and
prices have not gone down, there is looming economic chaos with his trade
Police Jury meets Tuesday
The Lincoln Parish Police Jury will meet Tuesday, June 13, Lincoln Parish
Court House, 100 West Texas, third floor. Here are the meeting times and
Electoral Deter-men-hers
Virgotex summarized the matrix of root voting impulses for Dems in 2020:
Democratic voters don't want "another" white male. They want a female
Welcome to the Alexandria Postcard Collection
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Greetings from Alexandr...
Rain Update, 1:10 p.m.
Our OEP Director has been asked about the effect the rain from folks who
were concerned about it over topping. The pic below was taken today and
show 6-7″ ...
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
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Saying goodbye to our Old House
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We were tr...
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
oath of office and speech + more.
From: wesawthat1
Views: 748
10 ratings
Time: 57:56 More in News & Politics
Part 90: The Road to Emmaus
Description www.eaec.org
www.facebook.com/EuropeanAmericanEvangelisticCrusades Welcome to
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group ...
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