26 July 2010
"wikileaks" ... scam being used to expand war in pakistan
kenny's sideshow:WikiLeaks 'partners' NY Times and The Guardian point the finger at Pakistan
Could the leaks be used to expand the war in Pakistan? Another 'never waste an opportunity' moment? The MSM is playing up this point. Will the American people ever say 'enough is enough?'
Afghanistan war logs: Clandestine aid for Taliban bears Pakistan's fingerprints
Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert
The leaks portray Gen. Hamid Gul, former head of the ISI, as a major player in aiding the insurgency against the U.S. and NATO forces.
Hamid Gul Response to WikiLeaks Allegations

Afghanistan The War Logs - Guardian
The War Logs - NY Times
Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those Fighting It - Der Spiegel====
UPDATE: john young of cryptome.org suspects a scam too..
see also
afghanistan - obama's war for israel
the war of terror a zionist deception to control america
the zionist occupation of iraq is the war in iraq
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see also
afghanistan - obama's war for israel
the war of terror a zionist deception to control america
the zionist occupation of iraq is the war in iraq
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