23 January 2007
city of pineville v gregory aymond
this morning we noticed that the town talk has a story (see link) about the lawsuit the city of pineville has launched against local attorney and blogger greg aymond. chad over at the dead pelican even linked to the story. so we decided to venture to the courthouse and get our own copy of the lawsuit and all the pleadings. ya know, seems like it wasnt too long ago that the town talk published a story about all the various speed traps around cenla, although we arent implying that pineville is a speed trap, pineville did release to the town talk some traffic ticket information. it seems odd to us that pineville would be willing to let the local media peruse that information since it contains the names, addresses, offense, drivers license and/or social security numbers and other personal information of their offenders and yet pineville balks at releasing on of their own public officials email correspondence.
we also have to note that according to the rapides parish clerk of court's website it costs $200.00 [153eur] just to file a civil suit. we dont know what mr. faircloth's legal fee schedule is but we can bet it isnt cheap. seems like pineville is spending an awful amount of the tax payers money to keep secret this correspondence when what they have already spent on the legal and filing fees would have already paid for the costs of assembling and disseminating the emails in question.
click pictures to enlarge
docket no. 226,484 division "c"

page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(added 11:33 am cst friday 02 february 2007)
"A" pg 1 2
"B" pg 1 2
"C" pg 1 2
"D" pg 1 2
"E" pg 1
"F" pg 1
"G" pg 1
"H" pg 1
see also
central la politics
Newspaper fails to Take a stand on Public Records Showdown