Bannon says MAGA Populism will Win - as Trump is Surrounded by Billionaires
NPR's Steve Inskeep writes about the odd circumstance of Trump Devotee
Steven Bannon.
3 hours ago
Writer's Email:
Fone WST... +1318.717.9017
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
UPDATE: mayhaws for sale in central louisiana 2011
Langston, who began his farm in 1988, has helped build the industry in Central Louisiana and boasts the largest mayhaw production farm in existence. Culled from about 2,000 hawthorn trees, the farm is nestled in the rolling hills of Grant Parish, a little northwest of Pollock.according to the article langston is inviting people to come out to his orchard and pick their own mayhaws from 8am till 4pm monday - friday. what you arent there yet? click here to view the town talk's photo gallery of langston's mayhaw orchard and his processing facility. click the link to read the story.
The Louisiana Mayhaw Association also sponsors an annual mayhaw cooking contest, in which locals are encouraged to submit their recipes to help find new and innovative uses for mayhaws.
This year's contest, which was held on March 18 in Woodworth, featured a wide range of recipes, said Lou Altazan-Brown, an extension agent with the AgCenter.
"There were cakes, a glaze for a smoked salmon, and someone had a new wine," Altazan-Brown said.