Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
Fone WST... +1318.717.9017 Twitter:@wesawthat “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
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20 Political Cliches - And What They Mean By Jim Moore 9-14-6
You've heard these clichés on both TV and radio many times. But, chances are, you never stopped to think about what they mean.
In the event, however, that you never gave political clichés much thought, now's the time. During this election period it might help you to know how far into the fog these back-slapping hucksters will take you.
CLEARLY When a politician precedes a statement with this word he is saying that you don't know the subject as well as he does, and he is determined, by God, to enlighten you, whether you like it or not.
THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS This statement tells you that he is about to reveal something deep and profound. Since he assumes you should already know what it is, he will usually say this with a smirk.
I DON'T ANSWER HYPOTHETICALS He says this when he is stuck for a response. This makes you look like an idiot for asking a question you know he won't answer.
MY SOURCES TELL ME If what the speaker says proves to be false, he can get off the hook by blaming his source. Why the source doesn't stiff the speaker and spill the beans himself is no mystery. Better to be a snitch than a target.
HAVING SAID THAT This speaker is about to contradict himself. This will prompt you to compare both statements to find out what the hell he meant. If anything.
AND THE LIST GOES ON This ploy means that there are more items he wants to talk about, but he can't remember what they are. Thus, this translates to: Do I have to tell you everything? Use your imagination, dummy!
ET CETERA Similar to "And the list goes on", but used more often and more casually, and delivered with even more disdain.
GOOD QUESTION A smarmy phrase that makes you look intelligent for asking the question. And also gives the speaker time to dream up an ambiguous answer without fear of you holding his feet to the fire.
I CATEGORICALLY DENY THAT There's a payoff in saying this. To categorically deny something enables him to downplay anything that's out of that category. An answer that covers even more ground would be: I rhetorically deny that.
NO COMMENT Said mostly in front of TV cameras. Yes, the public has a right for information, but you will have to wait for tabloids or shock radio to know what his comment might have been, had he dared make it.
KEEP MY OPTIONS OPEN This phrase lets crafty politicians change their minds mid-stream. While the public admires his flexibility, they soon realize that his mouth is more open than his options.
AS I SAID BEFORE This is used to remind the audience that what he just said is so important that it bears repeating. The fact that the audience doesn't give a hoot is of no importance. Unless he sees them yawning.
A FIGURE OF SPEECH He can say his opponent is a damn fool, then later claim it was only a figure of speech. However, he can be fined or jailed, because today even a figure of speech is a "hate crime." Against who? Who cares.
IN MY JUDGMENT A politician spouts this when he wants people to see him as wise as Solomon. Or he wants to reflect a certain integrity and forthrightness. Meantime, he's sending money offshore, pilfering campaign funds, taking payoffs from lobbyists, and cheating on two women---his wife in Cleveland, and his girl-friend in D.C.
LET'S CLEAR THE AIR Said by the politician who believes he is a master of clarity. But after a half hour of bafflegab there is usually more fog in the air after he has cleared it.
WELL, This word is generally followed by a statement. Such as, "Well, I believe that" or, "Well, it seems to me.." and so on. If a politician answers a question without starting with "Well", beware. He's too sure of himself and could be dangerous.
I AGREE WITH YOU This phrase is usually followed by "but" or "however." Which indicates that he doesn't agree with you at all. Or, that he agrees with you, but would rather die than admit it to anyone.
BASICALLY If anything in life were simple this word may never have surfaced. But since it has, the speaker is chastising you, by innuendo, for trying to complicate something he thinks is elementary, but isn't.
MY HONORABLE COLLEAGUE Heard ad nauseam in the Two Houses. It's a dignified way to call your opponent a jerk. The truth is, legislators may refer to their counterparts on the other side as colleagues, but not likely to think of any of them as honorable.
SENDS A SIGNAL World leaders seldom meet; so they send signals. But even signals need proper translation. Suppose Bush signals Putin: "Congratulations, Vladimir. I hear you're siphoning oil out of the ground." And it's translated: "Vladimir, your way of getting oil out of the ground, sucks." Wars have started for less.
I will admit, in this article I made politicians my targets. That may seem unfair, since many people use these words occasionally. On the other hand, in this game you go for the target that is easiest to hit.EXTERNAL LINK
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From: wesawthat1
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Time: 57:56 More in News & Politics
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