update: state senator julie quinn sued by jefferson parish
**updated** wednesday 12 september 2007clancy dubos writing in gambit weekly:• Mud-Wrestling Mamas -- State Sen. Julie Quinn of Metairie, a first-term Republican whose district also includes parts of Uptown and the Northshore, faces the ex-wife of her current beau, the above-mentioned John Young pere. Young and Quinn both went through bitter divorces since they last ran for office and have since found each other -- much to the apparent ire of the former Mrs. Young, former TV news anchor Mary Lou McCall, who qualified against Quinn. McCall, who suffered an ignominious fall from TV grace after a bout with severe alcoholism, seemed to be on a tear last week. In addition to qualifying against Quinn, she also sued retired New Orleans Archbishop Philip Hannan, her TV co-host for 19 years, for breach of contract, defamation and violation of her pension rights. Quinn also faces the woman she beat several years ago in a bitterly contested special election, state Rep. Dianne Winston of Covington. Others in the race include Dr. Monica Monica of Metairie, who ran unsuccessfully for Congress against David Vitter in 1999; state Rep. Alex Heaton of New Orleans; and Doug Johnson of Hammond. All are Republicans, and all look to be well financed except McCall. Then again, many suspect Quinn's ex, hotelier Pat Quinn, would be only too willing to help unseat his former spouse. This could become the muddiest race in the state.
.mp3 here
louisiana peyton place we knew back in april 2006 that louisiana state senator julie unangst
quinn was nothing but a RINO and a scam. this was based on nothing more than her voting record and bill sponsorship and had nothing to do with her personal life. we had never even heard of her before we stumbled upon her very unrepublican sb564.since our original april 2006 post about senator quinn, she has remained a pretty popular subject of interest for new orleans and other area googlers, although, we dont think that sb564 is the reason of their interest but more along the lines of people looking for general information on her because the search strings increasingly are of the "julie quinn divorce" or "julie quinn affairs" variety.despite the fact that we have seen several msm stores about senator quinn's personal life and have received a few emails about her with links to the msm stories, we normally shy away from national enquireresque stories because in life everyone makes mistakes and we're all human.however, we also have to balance this against the fact that these are the people that write the laws that affect all of our lives and for all we know its just a game to them and again for all we know they could be writing these laws merely as a way to get back at their political and/or personal enemies. this is louisiana after all and meanwhile we little people have to suffer under these unjust laws because of their hubris and narcissism. senator quinn also holds herself out to be a republican, the party which in turn promotes itself to be the party of "family values," fewer taxes and less governmental regulation and intrusion which to anyone who has been following these things all know is a damn lie. this doesnt mean that what the republican party has written down on paper and to what they claim to stand for is a bad thing -- it merely means that the people who are running the republican party nationally and especially here in louisiana are a bunch of liars and con-artists. we still maintain that louisiana gop chairman roger villere is the worst excuse for a party chairman and republican...ever. anyway, we were listening to the jeff crouere radio program this morning when a caller "ellwood" called in and said "i think this race between julie quinn and mary lou mccall for the louisiana senate, i think makes white trailer-park trash look like savannah...two republicans, evidentially theres been affairs and adultery, theres been domestic violence, calls to the police department...this is more bizarre than most soap operas... "
click the link to read more from the times-picayune.