note: we've noticed that blogs come and go, so some of these blogs could be deleted or no longer posting.
**note scroll down for newer blogs**
we've been noticing that we have been getting a lot of googlers lately arriving looking for cenla blogs. so we have decided to put links to all of them (that we know of) on a single page. if any other local bloggers want to be linked here let us know.====
cenlamarlamar white, jr., blog on life in alexandria, la.
note: this blog is now an archive.
cenla antics **updated** new thread just added tuesday 15 august 2006
this is the original cenla political blog started on 03 october 2005. this blog is foundering though due to shoddy management. still worth checking out if you can handle extremely long download times - over 5,000 comments on only two threads.====
cenla rambler this blog contains various threads that commentators may post to including: events and notices, talk of the town, louisiana college and lsua, the city council, decision 2006 the election.==== the rapides parish sheriff race is next year. (2007) tod has taken the initiative and started a blog. this blog will generate more interest as time goes on and we know that it already has a lot of clickovers from our blog. so keep posting tod, people are watching...
paw paw's house paw paw is a local guy. hes retired from the military and works in law enforcement. he writes a lot about small arms reloading, army stuff, his take on whats happening locally, state and global politics and other interesting subjects.====
nathan martinbesides being a blogger nathan martin is a preacher and city of pineville, louisiana city councilman; he writes: "I've heard all the jokes about preachers and politicians ... and in some people's eyes, I *am* the joke! But I can laugh at myself and not take myself too seriously. (If I could just open that used car lot I'd have the trifecta!!!) Anyhow, I hope you find something useful or at least entertaining in that which overflows from my squozen brain." ==== this blog bills itself as: "A Christian, Anglican, Lawyer, Father and Prison Minister, On Church and Life" and right now it has a petition: in support of the bishop of san joaquin - must be something to it since he has 739 signatories, so far. so you might want to go on over and find out what the fuss is about. be sure and find out why this blogger has a pic of hokus-pokus liquors on his mast.
kalb-tv video blogkalb's video blog began with a splash back on 14 june 2006, with michele godard's
interview (broken link as of 24february2007) of agriculture secretary bob odom. since then they have blogged a lot of politicians running for various offices local and statewide. you can leave comments on each blog post.
catahoula parish blog dedicated to fighting the proposed landfill there and for better government as a whole.
cenla education watch
via cenlamar we learn of this blog which promises to focus on central louisiana educational issues.
**updated friday 22 december 2006** apparantly this blog has been deleted
this blogger "has spent over 10 years in the law enforcement field, snooping is second nature for me. In addition to investigating crime, I enjoy traveling (long and short trips), reading inspirational romance books and true crime novels, and writing. To date I’ve had two non-fiction books published."
a blog by "steel magnolia" who describes herself (we assume its a she with that display name) as "a professional in Rapides parish. I take the politics of Louisiana seriously, especially in my own backyard!" this blog's focus is primarily on the upcoming 2007 rapides parish sheriff election. so check it out.====
thoughtsfromrapides.blogspot.comthese two blogs are moderated by
charlie789. he says that he is "just a regular joe" with an interest in local politics. charlie enjoys researching and debating.
pastor buddy's blogbuddy martin is the "founding pastor" of a local church called "christian challenge" and is the father of pineville, louisiana, city councilman and cenla blogger nathan martin. mr. martin has cancer and he writes some about that and his chemo treatments. he also likes to write about religious subjects and about his dog, general claudius josephus or cj for short.
==== related posts:
new cenla blog lamar white jrnew cenla blog cenla rambleranother new blog cenla antiXnew cenla blog the catty curnew cenla blog shesnoops.comnew cenla blog sheriff race 2007new cenla blogger buddy martin