Writer's Email: wesawthat@gmail.com
Fone WST... +1318.717.9017 Twitter:@wesawthat “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Iron Wall: Israel Launches West Bank Military Op
Israeli security forces backed by helicopters raided the volatile West Bank
city of Jenin on Tuesday, killing at least eight Palestinians in what Prime
The Market Ticker - On Pardons
Chief and I had a nice debate Tuesday morning on Stocks-n-Jocks related to
Trump's and Biden's pardon flurry.
There are those who have argued that the of...
"Definitely Not A Bag Full Of Drugs" II
Police: Actually, the Floridian's bag definitely contained drugs
Woman, 31, found with meth, narcotics paraphernalia inside zippered pouch
labeled "Defin...
Fluoridation Fails New York City
In New York City, fluoridated since 1965, "more than one in three
third-grade students have untreated tooth decay...[and] one in four adults
ages 65 and ...
Abdur Biswas (Sep 1, 1926 - Nov 3, 2017)
Bangladeshi Statesman. He served as the 11th President of Bangladesh from
October 10, 1991 to October 9, 1996. He was educated at Dhaka University
where he...
Thank You.
I've never been much of a writer (let alone one of my father's caliber),
but I know that I must express my thanks to you all somehow.
The support that we h...
back on 21 march 2007 the ouachita citizen published a guest column by former congressman dr. john cooksey captioned "louisiana needs jindal." kooky err cooksey wrote in to give his own twisted and distorted propaganda effort to the piyush "bobby" jindal campaign.
dr. cooksey's first of many yet major lie is that piyush is a "committed christian." this is a flat out lie. piyush claims that he is a roman catholic. catholics are not christians. catholics are their own separate and distinct religious faith. christians believe in a personal relationship with jesus christ. catholics do not - they pray to mary and a host of saints to interceed to jesus on their behalf - heres an interesting story wherein a nun prayed to the late pope john paul 2 - this is a totally foreign belief to christians. christians believe in being born again. catholics do not. catholics believe that the pope is infallible and speaks as god himself. christians believe that all are sinners. catholics have their own bible - the latin vulgate. catholics have historically such as during the inquisition sought to exterminate anyone who does not as they do swear allegiance to mary (semiramis) and the pope.
this isnt a knock on catholics. we dont have anything against catholic people in fact many of our ancestors were staunch irish catholics when they came over back in the mid 1800s and a lot of them are buried in the old catholic cemetery located near the holloway prairie. [map] we are just saying hey there is a difference in what catholics and baptists believe;
there used to be a time when preachers; especially baptist preachers, stood up and told the truth about these things. sadly that day is no more. consider for example a news item that appeared recently in the leesville daily leader online newspaper: "Congressman Bobby Jindal made a trip to Leesville." that page has since been taken down. the story was about how piyush spoke in a baptist church - east leesville baptist church to be exact to give his "testimony." do you see the deception? catholics do not have a testimony at least in the christian sense. another story we came across "jindal alert!" by way of the rapides parish republican womens club blog (another bunch of liars and con artists) about how piyush was to speak at the first baptist church of oakdale, once again to give his so called "testimony."
both the pastors and the board of deacons of these two churches (and any others that partake of this) should be investigated and thrown out on their ears. it is an abomination, a heresy and blasphemy for an unbeliever to stand in the pulpit of a baptist church and give what they are passing off as his "testimony." these pastors and deacons are misleading the faithful. jesus himself said that its better to have a millstone hung around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to mislead a child.
nothing will be said; nothing will be done because the christian church and especially the baptist church has been totally infiltrated by liars and change agents. we see the same thing at louisiana college. recently lc celebrated its 100th anniversary. now instead of inviting a speaker that would inspire and motivate the students to honor god and to live a christ like life the administration of louisiana college invited the diabolically evil george h. w. bush to speak. this is who the administration and by extension the baptists hold out as someone to be emulated. then when one looks closer you can easily see that bush's invitation was only in order to raise money [.pdf] [video] for the college. so instead of working to minister to their students spiritual health the administration of louisiana college are a bunch of whores, giving themselves away as lovers of money. we see ever since bush spoke at lc they have had nothing but problems as two students have been arrested for drunk driving and who knows what else has happened there that has went unreported.
its easy for the discerning christian to see that with all of the lies and all of the deceptions involved in and behind the piyush "bobby" jindal candidacy that something wicked this way comes.
The Misinformation Machine.
The level of insanity going on this country right now is mind blowing. On
one side you have a cult spreading disinformation, lies, and wallowing in
Police Jury meets Tuesday
The Lincoln Parish Police Jury will meet Tuesday, June 13, Lincoln Parish
Court House, 100 West Texas, third floor. Here are the meeting times and
Electoral Deter-men-hers
Virgotex summarized the matrix of root voting impulses for Dems in 2020:
Democratic voters don't want "another" white male. They want a female
Welcome to the Alexandria Postcard Collection
Postcards are an important medium in telling stories of the past. They are
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Greetings from Alexandr...
Rain Update, 1:10 p.m.
Our OEP Director has been asked about the effect the rain from folks who
were concerned about it over topping. The pic below was taken today and
show 6-7″ ...
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
brief dashcam clip of alleged sex offender arrest
some guy on a bicycle was allegedly looking at children through binoculars
across the street from the k...
Saying goodbye to our Old House
I never thought this day would come. We had to say goodbye to the “Big
House”, the old house, the Hynson-Ringgold house (and many other names)….
We were tr...
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
57th presidential inauguration 21 january 2013
oath of office and speech + more.
From: wesawthat1
Views: 748
10 ratings
Time: 57:56 More in News & Politics
A Racist Christian Prayer for Israel's War on Gaza
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Part 87: The Resurrection of Jesus
Description www.eaec.org
www.facebook.com/EuropeanAmericanEvangelisticCrusades Welcome to
Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. We are a Bible centered group ...
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Last Days Lunacy and End Times Madness
Podcast: LAST DAYS LUNACY and END TIMES MADNESS (The following commentary
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